Тези плодове с жълта кора имат приятен вкус и могат да се консумират самостоятелно, смесени в смутита или изпечени в хляб. Бананите са чудесна закуска след тренировка, осигуряваща много енергия и много калий за възстановяване на мускулите. Бананите също могат да се похвалят с 5 пъти повече витамин А и желязо, намиращи се в ябълките.лв 4.50
лв 3.99
Тези плодове с жълта кора имат приятен вкус и могат да се консумират самостоятелно, смесени в смутита или изпечени в хляб. Бананите са чудесна закуска след тренировка, осигуряваща много енергия и много калий за възстановяване на мускулите. Бананите също могат да се похвалят с 5 пъти повече витамин А и желязо, намиращи се в ябълките.
Τιμή лв 4.50 лв 3.99
Gala Ябълки 5кг.
Ябълките Gala са универсален плод с мек вкус. Имат сладък вкус и задоволителна хрупкавост, което ги прави предпочитани сред възрастни и деца. Първоначално отгледани в Нова Зеландия, популярността им непрекъснато нараства след въвеждането им на пазара през 60-те години на миналия век. Известни са още като кралски гала ябълки след кралица Елизабет II, която ги обяви за свои любими след посещение в Нова Зеландия.лв 12.00
лв 10.00
Gala Ябълки 5кг.
Ябълките Gala са универсален плод с мек вкус. Имат сладък вкус и задоволителна хрупкавост, което ги прави предпочитани сред възрастни и деца. Първоначално отгледани в Нова Зеландия, популярността им непрекъснато нараства след въвеждането им на пазара през 60-те години на миналия век. Известни са още като кралски гала ябълки след кралица Елизабет II, която ги обяви за свои любими след посещение в Нова Зеландия.
Τιμή лв 12.00 лв 10.00
Червено грозде без семки
Червено грозде без семки осигурява малки изблици на вкус, които могат да подобрят времето за закуска. Помислете за смутита, десерти, салати и дори основни предястия. Тези универсални плодове са пълни с основни хранителни вещества и антиоксиданти. Този малък, но мощен плод е хрупкав, точно подходящ за десетки ястия и може да предложи динамичен вкус на всичко.
лв 9.69

Червено грозде без семки
Червено грозде без семки осигурява малки изблици на вкус, които могат да подобрят времето за закуска. Помислете за смутита, десерти, салати и дори основни предястия. Тези универсални плодове са пълни с основни хранителни вещества и антиоксиданти. Този малък, но мощен плод е хрупкав, точно подходящ за десетки ястия и може да предложи динамичен вкус на всичко.
Τιμή лв 9.69
Насладете се на тези ягоди по всяко време на деня. Те също са идеални за споделяне със семейството и приятелите. Тези големи плодове са свежи и ароматни. Всички те са естествени, което ги прави по-здравословна алтернатива на преработените закуски.лв 16.00
лв 12.00Портокали Клементин
Портокалите Clementine са тръпчиви, пикантни и леко сладки. Също като типичните портокали, те са сочни и богати на витамин С. Те се белят много лесно, което ги прави идеални за бързо, здравословно лакомство или като ароматна добавка към плодови салати и солени салати.лв 7.00
лв 6.00
Портокали Клементин
Портокалите Clementine са тръпчиви, пикантни и леко сладки. Също като типичните портокали, те са сочни и богати на витамин С. Те се белят много лесно, което ги прави идеални за бързо, здравословно лакомство или като ароматна добавка към плодови салати и солени салати.
Τιμή лв 7.00 лв 6.00
Боровинките предлагат бърз, лесен и ароматен начин за засищане на глада. Те ви позволяват да достигнете насищане, като същевременно потенциално подобряват здравето на мозъка, очите и сърцето.
лв 5.50
Зелено грозде без семки
Зеленото грозде без семки е вкусна и здравословна закуска, пълна с хранителни вещества във всяка порция. Те са отличен вариант за закуска и обяд, както и когато ви се прияде нещо сладко и сочно.лв 15.00
лв 11.00Лайм
Пресните лаймове са чудесна добавка към всяка храна или напитка. Те изглеждат страхотно, когато седят в купа на плота ви и могат да добавят освежаващ аромат към всяко ястие.
лв 4.99
Златен ананас
Златният ананас има много ползи за здравето! Пълен с витамин С, манган и други, сладкият ананас е идеалното допълнение към деня ви. Това, което е страхотно е, че има вкус на бонбон и освен това е полезно! Има толкова много вкусни начини да използвате този продукт, така че да получите ползите за здравето от яденето на ананас.
лв 4.00

Златен ананас
Златният ананас има много ползи за здравето! Пълен с витамин С, манган и други, сладкият ананас е идеалното допълнение към деня ви. Това, което е страхотно е, че има вкус на бонбон и освен това е полезно! Има толкова много вкусни начини да използвате този продукт, така че да получите ползите за здравето от яденето на ананас.
Τιμή лв 4.00
Ябълки Honeycrisp
Ябълките Honeycrisp са толкова хрупкави и сладки, колкото подсказва името им. Тези ябълки, отглеждани в Америка, предлагат перфектния баланс на вкуса и характерната хрупкавост, което ги прави едни от най-популярните сортове ябълки и са обожавани както от деца, така и от възрастни.
лв 12.99

Ябълки Honeycrisp
Ябълките Honeycrisp са толкова хрупкави и сладки, колкото подсказва името им. Тези ябълки, отглеждани в Америка, предлагат перфектния баланс на вкуса и характерната хрупкавост, което ги прави едни от най-популярните сортове ябълки и са обожавани както от деца, така и от възрастни.
Τιμή лв 12.99
Ябълки Granny Smith
Ябълките Granny Smith са универсални и вкусни. Отворете торба и споделете вкусния плод със семейството и приятелите си.лв 10.00
лв 9.00Черно грозде без семки
Въпреки че е известно със своя смел цвят и сладък вкус, черното грозде е богато на витамини. Грабнете една шепа за здравословна закуска.
лв 9.69
Тези красиви малки скъпоценни камъни се отличават с тръпчив вкус с огромно количество антиоксиданти и витамини А и С. Насладете се на пълни с хранителни вещества къпини сами по себе си или проявете творчество в кухнята. Къпините придават сладък вкус на салати, вкусни са в смутита, в сладолед и в пайове и тарти.
лв 9.60

Тези красиви малки скъпоценни камъни се отличават с тръпчив вкус с огромно количество антиоксиданти и витамини А и С. Насладете се на пълни с хранителни вещества къпини сами по себе си или проявете творчество в кухнята. Къпините придават сладък вкус на салати, вкусни са в смутита, в сладолед и в пайове и тарти.
Τιμή лв 9.60
Ябълки Fuji
Ябълките Fuji са полезна и вкусна закуска. Сладки и твърди със сочна плът, те са добри и за печене. С тегло 5 паунда, тази чанта е чудесна за големи семейства или малки предприятия като пекарни, ханове или дневни центрове. С високо съдържание на фибри, сервирайте този плод на децата след училище или преди лягане, за да ограничите глада.
лв 9.60

Ябълки Fuji
Ябълките Fuji са полезна и вкусна закуска. Сладки и твърди със сочна плът, те са добри и за печене. С тегло 5 паунда, тази чанта е чудесна за големи семейства или малки предприятия като пекарни, ханове или дневни центрове. С високо съдържание на фибри, сервирайте този плод на децата след училище или преди лягане, за да ограничите глада.
Τιμή лв 9.60
Зелено киви
Кивито е интригуващ плод с мъхеста кафява кожа, блестяща зелена плът и сладък и тръпчив вкус, който ви оставя хидратиран и подхранен. Зеленото киви предлага мощен антиоксидант, който го прави интелигентен избор за закуски и ястия.лв 10.00
лв 9.00Златни киви
Използвайте Gold Kiwis, за да задоволите желанието си за сладко по възможно най-естествения начин. След като са готови за ядене, можете да очаквате пикантен вкус.лв 11.00
лв 9.00Ябълки Autumn Glory (4кг. торба)
С нотки на карамел и канела, ябълките Autumn Glory могат да се насладят по различни начини. Тази сочна ябълка е вкусна, консумирана прясна, а също така подобрява както солените, така и сладките ястия. Сладките карамелени нотки се съчетават добре с пикантни аромати като пресни билки (особено мащерка, розмарин, градински чай и босилек), свинско месо и ядки (особено бадеми и фъстъци).лв 10.00
лв 9.00
Ябълки Autumn Glory (4кг. торба)
С нотки на карамел и канела, ябълките Autumn Glory могат да се насладят по различни начини. Тази сочна ябълка е вкусна, консумирана прясна, а също така подобрява както солените, така и сладките ястия. Сладките карамелени нотки се съчетават добре с пикантни аромати като пресни билки (особено мащерка, розмарин, градински чай и босилек), свинско месо и ядки (особено бадеми и фъстъци).
Τιμή лв 10.00 лв 9.00
Cocktail Tomatoes On The Vine (2 lbs.)
Cocktail tomatoes On The Vine (2 lbs.) are kept on the vine until ripe, which makes for a juicy, red tomato that is bursting with flavor. They are great for eating by themselves as a snack, as part of a salad or in your favorite recipe.
лв 7.99
Grape Tomatoes (2 lbs.)
Loved for their juicy texture and rich flavor, Grape Tomatoes (2 lbs.) are sweet and ripened on the vine. Grown using biodegradable coconut husks and recycled water, these tomatoes are a healthy snack and ingredient you can feel good about eating. This two-pound bunch of tomatoes is perfect for cooking and an easy way to stock up on this versatile fruit.
лв 6.99

Grape Tomatoes (2 lbs.)
Loved for their juicy texture and rich flavor, Grape Tomatoes (2 lbs.) are sweet and ripened on the vine. Grown using biodegradable coconut husks and recycled water, these tomatoes are a healthy snack and ingredient you can feel good about eating. This two-pound bunch of tomatoes is perfect for cooking and an easy way to stock up on this versatile fruit.
Τιμή лв 6.99
Tomatoes on the Vine (3 lbs.)
You haven't tasted real tomatoes until you've had tomatoes on the vine. Tomatoes stay on the vine so that they can continue ripening until they reach their peak maturity. When tomatoes are picked at their fully ripe stage—which you can tell by their rich, red color—they're sweeter and tastier.
лв 5.50

Tomatoes on the Vine (3 lbs.)
You haven't tasted real tomatoes until you've had tomatoes on the vine. Tomatoes stay on the vine so that they can continue ripening until they reach their peak maturity. When tomatoes are picked at their fully ripe stage—which you can tell by their rich, red color—they're sweeter and tastier.
Τιμή лв 5.50
Green Bell Peppers (6 ct.)
Add more flavor to your meals with Green Bell Peppers (6 ct.). They can be enjoyed cooked or raw. These fresh peppers have the familiar bell shape that's easy to slice. They're also not as sweet in comparison with the other red, yellow and orange varieties.
лв 7.98
Celery Hearts (32 oz.)
This Celery Hearts (32 oz.) two-pound package contains the central stalks of three bunches of celery. The hearts are the most tender and delicious part of the celery bunch. Sometimes the outside stalks of celery are stringy and tough whereas the hearts are soft, tender and a wonderful addition to any recipe.
лв 3.99

Celery Hearts (32 oz.)
This Celery Hearts (32 oz.) two-pound package contains the central stalks of three bunches of celery. The hearts are the most tender and delicious part of the celery bunch. Sometimes the outside stalks of celery are stringy and tough whereas the hearts are soft, tender and a wonderful addition to any recipe.
Τιμή лв 3.99
Seedless English Cucumbers (3 ct.)
English cucumbers are an easy, kid-friendly snack with edible, unwaxed skin.
лв 4.99
Sunset Mini Cucumbers (2 lbs.)
Use Sunset® Mini Cucumbers (2 lbs.) to help give your family their daily serving of vegetables. This bag makes sharing easy. It's perfect for feeding multiple people at once, making it ideal for parties, dinners and more.
лв 6.99
Organic Baby Spring Mix (16 oz.)
Keep mealtime fresh and ripe with nutrients with Organic Baby Spring Mix.
лв 5.99
Taylor Farms Asian Chopped Salad Kit (13 oz.)
Convenience has never been so delicious with Taylor Farms Asian Chopped Salad Kit. In every package, Taylor Farms delivers an array of fresh ingredients to create incredible and flavorful salads designed to save you time.
лв 3.85
Sweet Kale Vegetable Salad Kit (12 oz.)
Perhaps you’ve heard about the benefits that kale can offer, but you haven’t found a type of kale that you’ve enjoyed yet. This Sweet Kale Vegetable Salad Kit (12 oz.) could be the kale salad kit that helps to change your mind and make you a fan of this delicious vegetable.
лв 4.00

Sweet Kale Vegetable Salad Kit (12 oz.)
Perhaps you’ve heard about the benefits that kale can offer, but you haven’t found a type of kale that you’ve enjoyed yet. This Sweet Kale Vegetable Salad Kit (12 oz.) could be the kale salad kit that helps to change your mind and make you a fan of this delicious vegetable.
Τιμή лв 4.00
Taylor Farms Cole Slaw (2 lbs.)
Taylor Farms® has been offering quality produce for more than 80 years, and in that time, they have become a very trusted household name.
лв 2.80
Southwest Salad Kit (12 oz.)
Southwest Salad Kit with a delish creamy mild Southwest ranch dressing complemented with crunchy salsa sticks and a sweet crunchy dried corn and seasoned cheese blend that's sure to delight your taste buds with every bite.
лв 3.50
Broccoli Florets (2 lbs.)
Broccoli's noteworthy nutrients include vitamin C, vitamin A, folic acid, calcium and fiber.
лв 4.99
Hearts of Romaine Lettuce (6 ct.)
Hearts of Romaine Lettuce are healthy and refreshing. With no preservatives, this straight-from-the-earth source of vitamins A and C is a highly versatile vegetable. Romaine Hearts are the tender center of Romaine lettuce leaves and are a great way to dress up any meal.
лв 5.99

Hearts of Romaine Lettuce (6 ct.)
Hearts of Romaine Lettuce are healthy and refreshing. With no preservatives, this straight-from-the-earth source of vitamins A and C is a highly versatile vegetable. Romaine Hearts are the tender center of Romaine lettuce leaves and are a great way to dress up any meal.
Τιμή лв 5.99
2 of Iceberg Lettuce
Enjoy the fresh and crisp taste of Iceberg Lettuce. With this romaine lettuce, you can make all kinds of salads, meals and snacks for friends and family of all ages.
лв 3.99
Cauliflower (1 ct.)
Cauliflower is a truly unique vegetable that can be eaten on its own as a healthy snack, or prepared with some of your favorite recipes as part of a hearty side dish. But that's not all that cauliflower can do for your diet and your overall health.
лв 4.66
Avocados (5 ct.)
These Avocados (5 ct.) have a superb texture, flavor nutritional value and versatility in cooking. More than just a fad food, avocados are adored by people across the world for their decadent flavor and seamless blending into various recipes.
лв 6.50
Baking Potatoes (15 lbs.)
Create numerous dishes using this bag of Baking Potatoes. They have hearty skin that's tender when cooked. These fresh potatoes are the ideal size and texture for baking on high heat.
лв 9.99
Organic Sweet Potatoes (5 lbs.)
Sweet potatoes are one of the most important staples to keep in your panty. There are many different ways that you can use them, and there are many reasons that they've become such a popular and beneficial food to have on hand. With these Organic Sweet Potatoes (5 lbs.), you will have enough for a week or more's worth of food and meals in most cases.
лв 9.00

Organic Sweet Potatoes (5 lbs.)
Sweet potatoes are one of the most important staples to keep in your panty. There are many different ways that you can use them, and there are many reasons that they've become such a popular and beneficial food to have on hand. With these Organic Sweet Potatoes (5 lbs.), you will have enough for a week or more's worth of food and meals in most cases.
Τιμή лв 9.00
Red Potatoes (10 lbs.)
Red Potatoes (10 lbs.) have a thin skin that has a vibrant red color. They are a good choice for cooking because they bring a unique texture to any lunch or dinner meal. Red potatoes are a starchy, root vegetable that originated in Central America.
лв 10.35
Multi Bell Sweet Peppers (6 ct.)
Enhance the flavor of some of your favorite recipes with the Multi Bell Sweet Peppers 6-Count Pack. It includes red, green and yellow varieties, so you can enjoy a beautiful rainbow of sweet peppers at every meal. Add it to salads, soups or stir-fry.
лв 7.99
Organic Tender Sweet Carrots (5 lbs.)
Organic Tender Sweet Carrots (5 lbs.) are healthy and versatile veggies that should be one of your staples. These carrots are great anytime whether it is in your lunchtime salad, a quick afternoon snack or as part of your dinner recipe.
лв 4.99
Organic Petite Baby Carrots (3 lbs.)
Carefully selected for their freshness, these carrots offer a satisfying crunch and delicious flavor that many people enjoy. With these in your household, you'll always have a quick and simple snack that you can serve to family, friends and other house guests.
лв 4.99

Organic Petite Baby Carrots (3 lbs.)
Carefully selected for their freshness, these carrots offer a satisfying crunch and delicious flavor that many people enjoy. With these in your household, you'll always have a quick and simple snack that you can serve to family, friends and other house guests.
Τιμή лв 4.99
Baby Bella Mushrooms (24 oz.)
Baby Bella Mushrooms (24 oz.) are a healthy alternative to regular white mushrooms. They can be eaten in several different ways as well, making them a great snacking choice for nearly any situation.
лв 5.36
Sliced White Mushrooms (16 oz.)
Sliced white mushrooms are a delicious and healthy treat that you can add to a wide range of recipes. These pre-sliced mushrooms help you turn any ordinary meal into something extraordinary quickly and easily.
лв 3.40
Yellow Onions (10 lbs.)
Yellow Onions (10 lbs.) are the go-to onion and can be used whenever a recipe simply calls for onions. These onions last for several weeks when stored in a cool, dry and well-ventilated place. After an onion has been cut, wrap the extra in plastic wrap and keep it in the refrigerator for up to four days.
лв 9.25

Yellow Onions (10 lbs.)
Yellow Onions (10 lbs.) are the go-to onion and can be used whenever a recipe simply calls for onions. These onions last for several weeks when stored in a cool, dry and well-ventilated place. After an onion has been cut, wrap the extra in plastic wrap and keep it in the refrigerator for up to four days.
Τιμή лв 9.25
Whole Fresh Garlic Bulbs (2 lbs.)
Whole Fresh Garlic Bulbs (2 lbs.) are a garlic lover's dream come true. This value pack contains two pounds of fresh bulbs. For many consumers, prepared garlic minced in a glass jar is just not the way to go.
лв 7.98
Месни продукти
90% Lean / 10% Fat, Ground Beef
100% Natural! 100% pure ground beef with a satisfaction guarantee. We offer a variety of sizes and packaging choices of ground beef at a great value. It’s versatile and convenient for easy family meals. We follow strict standards for quality, safety, and consistency. And it’s ground fresh daily.
лв 25.99

90% Lean / 10% Fat, Ground Beef
100% Natural! 100% pure ground beef with a satisfaction guarantee. We offer a variety of sizes and packaging choices of ground beef at a great value. It’s versatile and convenient for easy family meals. We follow strict standards for quality, safety, and consistency. And it’s ground fresh daily.
Τιμή лв 25.99
80% Lean / 20% Fat, Ground Chuck
100% Natural! 100% pure ground beef with a satisfaction guarantee. We offer a variety of sizes and packaging choices of ground beef at a great value. It’s versatile and convenient for easy family meals. We follow strict standards for quality, safety, and consistency. And it’s ground fresh daily.
лв 24.99

80% Lean / 20% Fat, Ground Chuck
100% Natural! 100% pure ground beef with a satisfaction guarantee. We offer a variety of sizes and packaging choices of ground beef at a great value. It’s versatile and convenient for easy family meals. We follow strict standards for quality, safety, and consistency. And it’s ground fresh daily.
Τιμή лв 24.99
USDA Choice Angus Beef for Stew
100% All Natural! Premium USDA Choice Angus beef that is satisfaction-guaranteed. We offer an extensive, high-quality selection of beef at a great value.
лв 26.00
USDA Choice Angus Beef Chuck Roast
100% Natural! Fresh, premium USDA Choice Angus beef that is satisfaction-guaranteed. We offer an extensive, high-quality selection of beef at a great value. Beef adheres to a strict cattle selection process to ensure you receive the highest-quality beef from only the best Angus cattle. Our beef is grain-finished for superior marbling, which brings out rich flavor. It is also aged to perfection for optimal tenderness.
лв 48.00

USDA Choice Angus Beef Chuck Roast
100% Natural! Fresh, premium USDA Choice Angus beef that is satisfaction-guaranteed. We offer an extensive, high-quality selection of beef at a great value. Beef adheres to a strict cattle selection process to ensure you receive the highest-quality beef from only the best Angus cattle. Our beef is grain-finished for superior marbling, which brings out rich flavor. It is also aged to perfection for optimal tenderness.
Τιμή лв 48.00
USDA Choice Angus Beef Eye of Round Steak
100% All Natural! USDA Choice Angus Beef Eye of Round Steak is great for a variety of cooking methods. Because it's quite lean, this steak requires care in cooking and preparation to keep it perfectly tender, such as cutting across the grain and cooking it at a lower heat.
лв 28.00

USDA Choice Angus Beef Eye of Round Steak
100% All Natural! USDA Choice Angus Beef Eye of Round Steak is great for a variety of cooking methods. Because it's quite lean, this steak requires care in cooking and preparation to keep it perfectly tender, such as cutting across the grain and cooking it at a lower heat.
Τιμή лв 28.00
USDA Choice Angus Beef Top Sirloin Steak
100% All Natural. USDA Choice Angus Beef Top Sirloin Steak Tray is ideal for preparing delicious dishes in a variety of ways. Cut it into portion-sized steaks or slice it into cubes or strips to add to kabobs, small plates, and sandwiches. As versatile as it is delicious, you'll be glad you got a whole steak tray rather than just one cut.
лв 39.00
USDA Choice Angus Beef Top Sirloin Steak
100% All Natural. USDA Choice Angus Beef Top Sirloin Steak Tray is ideal for preparing delicious dishes in a variety of ways. Cut it into portion-sized steaks or slice it into cubes or strips to add to kabobs, small plates, and sandwiches. As versatile as it is delicious, you'll be glad you got a whole steak tray rather than just one cut.
Τιμή лв 39.00
USDA Choice Angus Beef Boneless Strip Steak
100% All Natural! Treat yourself to a fine dinner by cooking up a USDA Choice Angus Beef Boneless Strip Steak. Juicy, tender, and full of flavor, this cut of beef can satisfy even the strongest of appetites.
лв 49.25
USDA Prime Sirloin Steak
100% All Natural! Enjoy your favorite high-end steakhouse meal at home with our USDA Prime Sirloin Steaks. Tender and juicy, top sirloin steak differs from sirloin steak because the bone, tenderloin and bottom round muscles have all been removed. This results in a leaner cut of meat with some marbling for a rich, robust flavor.
лв 16.99

USDA Prime Sirloin Steak
100% All Natural! Enjoy your favorite high-end steakhouse meal at home with our USDA Prime Sirloin Steaks. Tender and juicy, top sirloin steak differs from sirloin steak because the bone, tenderloin and bottom round muscles have all been removed. This results in a leaner cut of meat with some marbling for a rich, robust flavor.
Τιμή лв 16.99
USDA Choice Angus Beef Ribeye Steak
100% All Natural! Fresh, premium USDA Choice Angus beef that is satisfaction-guaranteed. We offer an extensive, high-quality selection of beef at a great value. Beef adheres to a strict cattle selection process to ensure you receive the highest-quality beef from only the best Angus cattle. Our beef is grain-finished for superior marbling, which brings out rich flavor. It is also aged to perfection for optimal tenderness.
лв 64.00

USDA Choice Angus Beef Ribeye Steak
100% All Natural! Fresh, premium USDA Choice Angus beef that is satisfaction-guaranteed. We offer an extensive, high-quality selection of beef at a great value. Beef adheres to a strict cattle selection process to ensure you receive the highest-quality beef from only the best Angus cattle. Our beef is grain-finished for superior marbling, which brings out rich flavor. It is also aged to perfection for optimal tenderness.
Τιμή лв 64.00
USDA Choice Angus Beef Bottom Round Roast
100% All Natural! USDA Choice Angus Beef Bottom Round Roast is a full-flavored cut for a great value and is best prepared using moist heat such as slow cooking or braising to enhance the flavor and tenderness of the meat.
лв 33.00
USDA Choice Angus Beef Cowboy Ribeye Steak
100% All Natural! USDA Choice Angus Beef Cowboy Ribeye Steak is known as the "cowboy steak" because of the attached bone-in "handle." Well-marbled, flavorful and tender, these ample cuts of cowboy ribeye steak are ready to be pan-seared or grilled.
лв 48.99

USDA Choice Angus Beef Cowboy Ribeye Steak
100% All Natural! USDA Choice Angus Beef Cowboy Ribeye Steak is known as the "cowboy steak" because of the attached bone-in "handle." Well-marbled, flavorful and tender, these ample cuts of cowboy ribeye steak are ready to be pan-seared or grilled.
Τιμή лв 48.99
Forester Farmers Market Frying Chicken, Twin Pack
With Forester Farmers Market Frying Chicken, you know you're getting top-quality meat. One pack should give you enough chicken to feed the entire family. | Raised with no antibiotics | Contains no steroids or hormones | Perfect for parties and dinners
лв 16.25

Forester Farmers Market Frying Chicken, Twin Pack
With Forester Farmers Market Frying Chicken, you know you're getting top-quality meat. One pack should give you enough chicken to feed the entire family. | Raised with no antibiotics | Contains no steroids or hormones | Perfect for parties and dinners
Τιμή лв 16.25
Perdue Fresh Lean Ground Chicken
Perdue's fresh, lean ground chicken with natural flavoring is great for tacos, chili, and burgers. Health-conscious consumers and convenience shoppers will appreciate the quality and taste of this USDA certified ground chicken. Ground chicken is a healthy alternative to ground beef and pork. Because the chicken has been raised in the US, fed an all-vegetarian diet, and raised cage-free, the meat has a superior quality that you can taste with every bite.
лв 10.75

Perdue Fresh Lean Ground Chicken
Perdue's fresh, lean ground chicken with natural flavoring is great for tacos, chili, and burgers. Health-conscious consumers and convenience shoppers will appreciate the quality and taste of this USDA certified ground chicken. Ground chicken is a healthy alternative to ground beef and pork. Because the chicken has been raised in the US, fed an all-vegetarian diet, and raised cage-free, the meat has a superior quality that you can taste with every bite.
Τιμή лв 10.75
Perdue Fresh Chicken Drumsticks
Perdue® Chicken Drumsticks (Priced Per Pound) come from chickens that are hatched, raised and harvested entirely in the USA. These Perdue chicken legs are fresh and all-natural, made from chickens that have been raised without the use of antibiotics. If you're planning a chicken dinner, these drumsticks are sure to be the perfect ingredient.
лв 8.25

Perdue Fresh Chicken Drumsticks
Perdue® Chicken Drumsticks (Priced Per Pound) come from chickens that are hatched, raised and harvested entirely in the USA. These Perdue chicken legs are fresh and all-natural, made from chickens that have been raised without the use of antibiotics. If you're planning a chicken dinner, these drumsticks are sure to be the perfect ingredient.
Τιμή лв 8.25
Perdue Boneless, Skinless Chicken Breast
Perdue® Boneless, Skinless Chicken Breast (Priced Per Pound) makes a quick, healthy and delicious solution for virtually any meal. Chicken is a versatile, healthy meat.
лв 21.00
Perdue Thin Sliced Chicken Breast
Use Perdue® Thin Sliced Chicken Breast (Priced Per Pound) to feed family, friends or customers high-quality meat. This large pack is superb for feeding a group of people in restaurants or parties.
лв 21.00
Perdue Fresh Grade A Whole Chicken, Twin Pack
The Perdue® Fresh Grade A Whole Chicken, Twin Pack (Priced Per Pound) provides you with enough chicken to feed multiple people in one sitting. This selection is ideal for restaurants, caterers, parties and big family dinners. It arrives in a vacuum-sealed bag, which keeps the chicken fresh.
лв 18.04

Perdue Fresh Grade A Whole Chicken, Twin Pack
The Perdue® Fresh Grade A Whole Chicken, Twin Pack (Priced Per Pound) provides you with enough chicken to feed multiple people in one sitting. This selection is ideal for restaurants, caterers, parties and big family dinners. It arrives in a vacuum-sealed bag, which keeps the chicken fresh.
Τιμή лв 18.04
Perdue Chicken Wings
Perdue® Chicken Wings (Priced Per Pound) are made right here in the USA. These fresh chicken wings are great for feeding a crowd. The all-natural Perdue Chicken Wings offer a wholesome meal that family and friends alike can appreciate.
лв 21.00
Fresh All Natural Pork Loin Boneless Chops
Fresh Pork Loin Boneless Chops are center-cut loin chops that are ideal for baking, frying or grilling. These boneless pork chops will be the star alongside your favorite side dishes like mashed potatoes and grilled vegetables. Use these pork chops for all of the baked pork chop recipes you love.
лв 15.25

Fresh All Natural Pork Loin Boneless Chops
Fresh Pork Loin Boneless Chops are center-cut loin chops that are ideal for baking, frying or grilling. These boneless pork chops will be the star alongside your favorite side dishes like mashed potatoes and grilled vegetables. Use these pork chops for all of the baked pork chop recipes you love.
Τιμή лв 15.25
Pork Assorted Chops
Make something tasty for weekday dinners with Member's Mark Assorted Pork Chops. This pack brings you enough pork chops to share with others.
лв 31.00
Pork Boston Butt, Cryovac
Pork Boston Butt (priced per pound) is the most common cut used for pulled pork, a delicious staple of barbecue in the southern United States. It is very versatile and can be used in many ways and for many recipes.
лв 24.25
Smithfield Center Cut Hardwood Smoked Ham Steaks 3-Pack
Enjoy the artisan taste and hardwood smoked flavor of Smithfield® Center Cut Hardwood Smoked Ham Steaks 3-Pack (priced per pound).
лв 16.75
Fresh All-Natural Whole Pork Tenderloin
Fresh All-Natural Whole Pork Tenderloin is a versatile piece of meat to have in the fridge and freezer. There are a seemingly endless amount of ways to prepare it so that you will not get tired of it.
лв 22.50
Pork Spareribs
High-quality pork with no added solutions or ingredients. Our selection of pork is perfect for every occasion, whether you are enjoying a quick weeknight meal, or hosting a weekend barbeque. All products are fresh and never frozen with no added preservatives, hormones or steroids.
лв 54.00

Pork Spareribs
High-quality pork with no added solutions or ingredients. Our selection of pork is perfect for every occasion, whether you are enjoying a quick weeknight meal, or hosting a weekend barbeque. All products are fresh and never frozen with no added preservatives, hormones or steroids.
Τιμή лв 54.00
Млечни продукти и яйца
Vitamin D Whole Milk (1 gal.)
Vitamin D Whole Milk is a healthy option for keeping your bones strong and giving your body the vitamins and calcium it needs to feel great every day. Have a glass of whole milk daily with cereal, oatmeal, dinner or your favorite cookie to stay strong.
лв 4.25
2% Reduced Fat Milk (1 gal.)
This tasty 2% Reduced Fat Milk can help you hydrate yourself and your houseguests with a classic, wholesome beverage.
лв 4.00
1% Low Fat Milk (1 gal. jug)
Member's Mark milk is a healthy option for strengthening your bones and giving your body the calcium and vitamins it needs. Have a glass daily with oatmeal, cereal or cookies to stay strong.
лв 3.75
Fat Free Milk (1 gal. jug)
Fat-Free Milk to enjoy its smooth creamy flavor. With naturally-occurring vitamins and minerals, it's a healthy way to help strengthen your bones and provide your body with vital nutrients.
лв 3.75
Organic Whole Milk (64 fl. oz., 2 pk.)
Each serving of Member's Mark Organic Whole Milk provides nutrients our bodies need, including an excellent source of calcium and a good source of vitamin D.
лв 8.75
2 of Lactaid 100% Lactose Free 2% Reduced Fat Milk (128 fl. oz)
For those who find milk and regular dairy difficult to swallow, there is Lactaid® 100% Lactose-Free 2% Reduced Fat Milk (64 fl. oz., 2 ct.). Lactaid is a milk substitute for those who can't handle normal or traditional dairy but still want to experience the flavor and texture that milk provides. The difference between Lactaid and other milk substitutes is that Lactaid is, in fact, real milk. Not soy milk or almond milk, but honest cow's milk that has simply been treated to remove lactose.
лв 9.99

2 of Lactaid 100% Lactose Free 2% Reduced Fat Milk (128 fl. oz)
For those who find milk and regular dairy difficult to swallow, there is Lactaid® 100% Lactose-Free 2% Reduced Fat Milk (64 fl. oz., 2 ct.). Lactaid is a milk substitute for those who can't handle normal or traditional dairy but still want to experience the flavor and texture that milk provides. The difference between Lactaid and other milk substitutes is that Lactaid is, in fact, real milk. Not soy milk or almond milk, but honest cow's milk that has simply been treated to remove lactose.
Τιμή лв 9.99
Horizon Organic 2% Milk with DHA Omega-3 (64 fl. oz., 3 pk.)
Packed with Vitamins A and D, as well as DHA Omega 3 fatty acids, Horizon® Organic Milk is healthier for your family than regular whole milk. Its milk comes from cows that ate a nutritious diet free from antibiotics and chemicals like fertilizers. Milk is a staple food for breakfast, lunch, dinner, or snack time. Enjoy Horizon Organic 2% Milk with DHA Omega-3 with cereal or as a tasty beverage with cake or cookies.
лв 15.75

Horizon Organic 2% Milk with DHA Omega-3 (64 fl. oz., 3 pk.)
Packed with Vitamins A and D, as well as DHA Omega 3 fatty acids, Horizon® Organic Milk is healthier for your family than regular whole milk. Its milk comes from cows that ate a nutritious diet free from antibiotics and chemicals like fertilizers. Milk is a staple food for breakfast, lunch, dinner, or snack time. Enjoy Horizon Organic 2% Milk with DHA Omega-3 with cereal or as a tasty beverage with cake or cookies.
Τιμή лв 15.75
Silk Unsweetened Original Almond Milk (1/2 gal., 3 pk.)
For more than 15 years, Silk has brought you simple, delicious food. And the philosophy behind it is simple, too: start with ingredients that are grown responsibly and keep them close to nature. Today more than ever, Silk wants you to know exactly what that means. Purely delicious with no strings attached.
лв 9.98
Silk Unsweetened Original Almond Milk (1/2 gal., 3 pk.)
For more than 15 years, Silk has brought you simple, delicious food. And the philosophy behind it is simple, too: start with ingredients that are grown responsibly and keep them close to nature. Today more than ever, Silk wants you to know exactly what that means. Purely delicious with no strings attached.
Τιμή лв 9.98
Nestle Nesquik Chocolate Low Fat Milk (8oz / 15pk)
With Nestle Nesquik Chocolate Low-Fat Milk, you can soothe your sweet tooth while keeping yourself hydrated. Since there are 15 bottles in one pack, there's enough for everyone to share.
лв 12.99
Half & Half (32 fl. oz.)
From coffee to sweet treats, Member's Mark® Half & Half (32 fl. oz.) is a kitchen staple in households. Whether you use it frequently or just want to keep plenty on hand, this carton blend of cream and fresh milk is sure to satisfy your needs.
лв 2.98
2 X 30 oz. of I Can't Believe It's Not Butter
100% taste. 0% artificial preservatives.
лв 8.00
2 X 4 Oz of Kerrygold Unsalted Pure Irish Butter
Kerrygold Unsalted Sticks provides the same superior flavor and performance of Kerrygold Pure Irish Unsalted Butter, but in American-size, 4-ounce sticks for easier measuring. The butter sticks are naturally golden, with a seductively creamy flavor and a long, lingering finish. They work beautifully in recipes calling for unsalted butter.
лв 4.99

2 X 4 Oz of Kerrygold Unsalted Pure Irish Butter
Kerrygold Unsalted Sticks provides the same superior flavor and performance of Kerrygold Pure Irish Unsalted Butter, but in American-size, 4-ounce sticks for easier measuring. The butter sticks are naturally golden, with a seductively creamy flavor and a long, lingering finish. They work beautifully in recipes calling for unsalted butter.
Τιμή лв 4.99
2 of 4 Oz. of Kerrygold, Pure Irish Salted Butter Sticks
Kerrygold Salted Pure Irish Butter Sticks provide the same superior flavor and performance of Kerrygold Pure Irish Butter, but in American-size, 4-ounce sticks for easier measuring. The butter sticks are naturally golden, with a seductively creamy flavor and a long, lingering finish.
лв 4.99

2 of 4 Oz. of Kerrygold, Pure Irish Salted Butter Sticks
Kerrygold Salted Pure Irish Butter Sticks provide the same superior flavor and performance of Kerrygold Pure Irish Butter, but in American-size, 4-ounce sticks for easier measuring. The butter sticks are naturally golden, with a seductively creamy flavor and a long, lingering finish.
Τιμή лв 4.99
Kerrygold Pure Irish Butter (17.6 oz.)
Kerrygold Pure Irish Butter has a taste and texture that makes it unique from other kinds of butter on the market. That's because of the process that Kerrygold has maintained for years. The milk they use is from grass-fed cows that are hormone-free. When a cow is grass-fed, it's allowed to make milk the way it's supposed to. When cows are fed artificially-produced grains, the product ultimately suffers. Kerrygold Pure Irish Butter insures a great-tasting product by starting with pure ingredients
лв 10.75

Kerrygold Pure Irish Butter (17.6 oz.)
Kerrygold Pure Irish Butter has a taste and texture that makes it unique from other kinds of butter on the market. That's because of the process that Kerrygold has maintained for years. The milk they use is from grass-fed cows that are hormone-free. When a cow is grass-fed, it's allowed to make milk the way it's supposed to. When cows are fed artificially-produced grains, the product ultimately suffers. Kerrygold Pure Irish Butter insures a great-tasting product by starting with pure ingredients
Τιμή лв 10.75
Eggland's Best Grade A Large Eggs (18 ct.)
Farm-fresh Eggland's Best eggs have been awarded the Gold Seal as America's Superior Tasting Eggs by the American Masters of Taste. In addition to great taste, these eggs are an excellent source of vitamins, contain 125 mg of omega-3 fatty acids and have 25% less saturated fat than regular eggs.
лв 4.99

Eggland's Best Grade A Large Eggs (18 ct.)
Farm-fresh Eggland's Best eggs have been awarded the Gold Seal as America's Superior Tasting Eggs by the American Masters of Taste. In addition to great taste, these eggs are an excellent source of vitamins, contain 125 mg of omega-3 fatty acids and have 25% less saturated fat than regular eggs.

Τιμή лв 4.99
Cage Free Grade A Eggs, Brown (18 ct.)
Open a case of these Cage-Free Grade A Eggs, Brown (18 ct.) and start the day off with a delicious, nutritious meal. There are 18 eggs total in this package, so you'll have enough to satisfy everyone, even if a few guests drop by unexpectedly. Offer them at your next meal and know that everyone at the table will be enjoying a healthy and energizing plate of foo
лв 4.99

Cage Free Grade A Eggs, Brown (18 ct.)
Open a case of these Cage-Free Grade A Eggs, Brown (18 ct.) and start the day off with a delicious, nutritious meal. There are 18 eggs total in this package, so you'll have enough to satisfy everyone, even if a few guests drop by unexpectedly. Offer them at your next meal and know that everyone at the table will be enjoying a healthy and energizing plate of foo
Τιμή лв 4.99
Organic Brown Eggs (24 ct.)
Daily Chef™ Organic Brown Eggs (24 ct.) bring you endless options for meals every day of the week. Create versatile concoctions with quality and certified organic eggs that are nutritionally loaded to keep you energetic and fueled for anything.
лв 8.50
36 fresh large white eggs
Used as a base in many baked goods, and as the main ingredient to many meals, Grade A Large White Eggs offer a large amount of protein, 0 carbs with no added sugars. With an average of 6 grams of protein per white egg, these nutrient-dense powerhouses offer enough to power you through the day.
лв 8.10

36 fresh large white eggs
Used as a base in many baked goods, and as the main ingredient to many meals, Grade A Large White Eggs offer a large amount of protein, 0 carbs with no added sugars. With an average of 6 grams of protein per white egg, these nutrient-dense powerhouses offer enough to power you through the day.
Τιμή лв 8.10
2 of Kraft Philadelphia Cream Cheese
Enjoy the creamy texture and great taste of Kraft Philadelphia Cream Cheese (8 oz. pkg., 2 ct.). This cream cheese has a rich flavor that is perfect for a variety of snacks and desserts.
лв 6.50
2 of 16oz Kraft Philadelphia Regular Cream Cheese Spread
The story of Kraft© Philadelphia® Regular Cream Cheese Spread begins with local dairy farmers near Beaver Dam, Wisconsin and Lowville, New York. They offer a steady supply of fresh milk, which is lovingly combined with real cream. The entire process from farm to creamery takes only six days. But it doesn't stop at farm fresh milk and real cream. Philly also never adds artificial preservatives, flavors or dyes in any of their cream cheese spreads. So in the end, everything just seems a little bit better with the classic creamy taste of Kraft© Philadelphia Regular Cream Cheese Spread.
лв 11.75

2 of 16oz Kraft Philadelphia Regular Cream Cheese Spread
The story of Kraft© Philadelphia® Regular Cream Cheese Spread begins with local dairy farmers near Beaver Dam, Wisconsin and Lowville, New York. They offer a steady supply of fresh milk, which is lovingly combined with real cream. The entire process from farm to creamery takes only six days. But it doesn't stop at farm fresh milk and real cream. Philly also never adds artificial preservatives, flavors or dyes in any of their cream cheese spreads. So in the end, everything just seems a little bit better with the classic creamy taste of Kraft© Philadelphia Regular Cream Cheese Spread.
Τιμή лв 11.75
2 of 16oz. BelGioioso Pre-Sliced Fresh Mozzarella (32 oz.)
BelGioioso ® Pre-Sliced Mozzarella is made from fresh Wisconsin milk just hours after the milking has been done. Crafted start to finish in America's Dairyland, it's one of the best mozzarella cheeses available and deserves a place at your table.
лв 9.75

2 of 16oz. BelGioioso Pre-Sliced Fresh Mozzarella (32 oz.)
BelGioioso ® Pre-Sliced Mozzarella is made from fresh Wisconsin milk just hours after the milking has been done. Crafted start to finish in America's Dairyland, it's one of the best mozzarella cheeses available and deserves a place at your table.
Τιμή лв 9.75
Formaggio Marinated Mozzarella Salad (24 oz.)
Delight your senses with the unique tastes and aromas of Formaggio® Marinated Mozzarella Salad, a salad that can actually satisfy hunger deliciously. Made with cheese from an award-winning cheesemaker and other natural ingredients, this salad will become your new favorite lunch and side dish to serve family and friends.
лв 12.50

Formaggio Marinated Mozzarella Salad (24 oz.)
Delight your senses with the unique tastes and aromas of Formaggio® Marinated Mozzarella Salad, a salad that can actually satisfy hunger deliciously. Made with cheese from an award-winning cheesemaker and other natural ingredients, this salad will become your new favorite lunch and side dish to serve family and friends.
Τιμή лв 12.50
Smoked Provolone Cheese (2 lbs.)
Smoked Provolone cheese slices are made from the highest quality ingredients. Slices are made with rBST-free milk and have a firm texture along with a slightly piquant flavor that intensifies with age. This cheese is perfect to add to your next sandwich, panini or burger for a full-flavored experience.
лв 9.99

Smoked Provolone Cheese (2 lbs.)
Smoked Provolone cheese slices are made from the highest quality ingredients. Slices are made with rBST-free milk and have a firm texture along with a slightly piquant flavor that intensifies with age. This cheese is perfect to add to your next sandwich, panini or burger for a full-flavored experience.

Τιμή лв 9.99
Cabot Seriously Sharp Cheddar Cheese (2 lbs.)
Cabot's Seriously Sharp Cheddar is no joke! Get ready for the complex and intense flavor that sets this cheddar apart from the crowd.
лв 10.75
Kerrygold BallyShannon Cheddar Cheese (piced per pound) - 1-3lbs
Kerrygold™ BallyShannon Cheddar Cheese is a creamy, full-flavored firm cheese from Ireland.
лв 7.99
Sliced Mild Cheddar & Pepper Jack Combo Pack (2 lbs.)
Sliced Mild Cheddar and Pepper Jack Combo Pack (2 lbs.) is a great item to help stock your fridge. One pack provides you with enough cheese to use several different ways. Perfect for sandwiches, party trays and more, this 2 lb. pack of sliced cheese gives you options.
лв 9.50

Sliced Mild Cheddar & Pepper Jack Combo Pack (2 lbs.)
Sliced Mild Cheddar and Pepper Jack Combo Pack (2 lbs.) is a great item to help stock your fridge. One pack provides you with enough cheese to use several different ways. Perfect for sandwiches, party trays and more, this 2 lb. pack of sliced cheese gives you options.
Τιμή лв 9.50
Cabot Pepper Jack Cheese (2 lb.)
Moderately hot and super smooth, this cheese adds a kick to even the tamest cracker! Makes a quick batch of nachos and adds unexpected spice to the everyday sandwich. Simply put, it's a real hottie!
лв 9.50
President Brie Soft-Ripened Cheese (19.6 oz.)
President® Brie Soft-Ripened Cheese (19.6 oz.) brings the traditional taste of brie to of your favorite snacks and side dishes. It has a mild, yet flavorful taste that will leave you and your guests reaching for more and more.
лв 9.50
Kraft Singles White American Cheese Slices (48 oz., 72 ct.)
Kraft Singles White American Cheese slices are made with delicious ingredients for great taste your whole family will love. Always made with real milk and a good source of vitamin D, these cheese singles are an easy way to add creamy goodness to your next cheesy recipe
лв 9.99

Kraft Singles White American Cheese Slices (48 oz., 72 ct.)
Kraft Singles White American Cheese slices are made with delicious ingredients for great taste your whole family will love. Always made with real milk and a good source of vitamin D, these cheese singles are an easy way to add creamy goodness to your next cheesy recipe
Τιμή лв 9.99
BelGioioso All Natural Shaved Salad Blend (1.75 lbs.)
BelGioioso® All Natural Shaved Salad Blend (1.75 lbs.) uses three simple ingredients: cultured milk, salt, enzymes and nothing else, to give you an award-winning flavor that you've come to expect from aged gourmet cheeses. BelGioioso's Salad Blend uses three freshly shaved, classic Italian cheeses, Parmesan, Romano and Asiago, that will add a distinctive flavor to all of your favorite recipes.
лв 12.00

BelGioioso All Natural Shaved Salad Blend (1.75 lbs.)
BelGioioso® All Natural Shaved Salad Blend (1.75 lbs.) uses three simple ingredients: cultured milk, salt, enzymes and nothing else, to give you an award-winning flavor that you've come to expect from aged gourmet cheeses. BelGioioso's Salad Blend uses three freshly shaved, classic Italian cheeses, Parmesan, Romano and Asiago, that will add a distinctive flavor to all of your favorite recipes.
Τιμή лв 12.00
Chevre Fresh Goat Cheese Log (16 oz.)
Fresh Goat Cheese Log is made with American goat milk and has a soft yet crumbly texture and a mild tangy taste. Goat cheese is rich in protein along with a powerful combination of calcium, phosphorus, and copper that is essential for bone health. Plus, it also provides healthy fats that improve satiety and support weight loss. Our fresh goat log is the perfect accompaniment crumbled on salads, sliced on a cheese board with crackers, and versatile enough to be used as a culinary aid for baking or stuffing.
лв 8.50

Chevre Fresh Goat Cheese Log (16 oz.)
Fresh Goat Cheese Log is made with American goat milk and has a soft yet crumbly texture and a mild tangy taste. Goat cheese is rich in protein along with a powerful combination of calcium, phosphorus, and copper that is essential for bone health. Plus, it also provides healthy fats that improve satiety and support weight loss. Our fresh goat log is the perfect accompaniment crumbled on salads, sliced on a cheese board with crackers, and versatile enough to be used as a culinary aid for baking or stuffing.
Τιμή лв 8.50
Mini Babybel Semisoft Cheese, Light (19.5 oz., 26 ct.)
Mini Babybel has a delicious creamy taste the whole family will love. It's made with 100% real cheese. It is a great source of protein and calcium and has 50% fewer calories per serving than Mini Babybel Original. Mini Babybel Light is a delicious, mild cheese that's great for everyday snacking. This individually portioned cheese creates an enjoyable snacking experience every time you peel open its signature red wax seal. Fun and convenient, it's great for lunches, at home, or on the go.
лв 12.99

Mini Babybel Semisoft Cheese, Light (19.5 oz., 26 ct.)
Mini Babybel has a delicious creamy taste the whole family will love. It's made with 100% real cheese. It is a great source of protein and calcium and has 50% fewer calories per serving than Mini Babybel Original. Mini Babybel Light is a delicious, mild cheese that's great for everyday snacking. This individually portioned cheese creates an enjoyable snacking experience every time you peel open its signature red wax seal. Fun and convenient, it's great for lunches, at home, or on the go.

Τιμή лв 12.99
24 wedges of The Laughing Cow Creamy Swiss Wedge, Original
The Laughing Cow® Creamy Swiss Wedge, Original (3 pack) is an effortless way to enjoy a great tasting snack without adding a lot of calories.
лв 9.00
Jarlsberg Cheese Wedge (priced per pound)
Jarlsberg® Cheese Wedge (priced per pound) is known around the world for its waxy, yellow rind, distinctively large holes, and its clean, rich, nutty flavor, making it easy to eat, easy to cook with and even easier to enjoy.
лв 7.99
Velveeta Original Cheese Block (32 oz., 2 pk.)
Give a range of everyday meals a rich, melty and creamy texture with Velveeta® Original Cheese. It bears the texture of liquid gold and can be spread over a dish to turn it into an instant hit recipe with your friends and family. This original Velveeta cheese loaf melts with a uniform consistency, giving you an even cheesier meal to enjoy. This Velveeta product is available as a pack of two with each pack weighing 32 oz.
лв 16.00

Velveeta Original Cheese Block (32 oz., 2 pk.)
Give a range of everyday meals a rich, melty and creamy texture with Velveeta® Original Cheese. It bears the texture of liquid gold and can be spread over a dish to turn it into an instant hit recipe with your friends and family. This original Velveeta cheese loaf melts with a uniform consistency, giving you an even cheesier meal to enjoy. This Velveeta product is available as a pack of two with each pack weighing 32 oz.
Τιμή лв 16.00
Kraft 100% Grated Parmesan Cheese Shaker (24 oz.)
Make dressing up your meals with a dash of delicious cheesy flavor a breeze with Kraft 100% Grated Parmesan Cheese Shaker (24 oz.). This grated parmesan cheese is made with premium milk and is perfect for use in homes and restaurants everywhere.
лв 10.50

Kraft 100% Grated Parmesan Cheese Shaker (24 oz.)
Make dressing up your meals with a dash of delicious cheesy flavor a breeze with Kraft 100% Grated Parmesan Cheese Shaker (24 oz.). This grated parmesan cheese is made with premium milk and is perfect for use in homes and restaurants everywhere.
Τιμή лв 10.50
Frigo Cheese Heads String Cheese (1 oz. pkg., 48 ct.)
With Frigo Cheese Heads String Cheese, your family can enjoy a wholesome and satisfying snack that also tastes delicious. This string cheese is high in calcium and protein, ideal for on-the-go snacking.
лв 14.00
Kerrygold Dubliner Cheese (priced per pound) - 1-3lbs
Kerrygold™ Dubliner Cheese offers a diverse spectrum of flavors in each bite. The taste runs the gamut from sharp to sweet to nutty. Kerrygold Dubliner is produced in Ireland and aged for over 12 months to give you this unique and robust flavor.
лв 7.99

Kerrygold Dubliner Cheese (priced per pound) - 1-3lbs
Kerrygold™ Dubliner Cheese offers a diverse spectrum of flavors in each bite. The taste runs the gamut from sharp to sweet to nutty. Kerrygold Dubliner is produced in Ireland and aged for over 12 months to give you this unique and robust flavor.

Τιμή лв 7.99
Heavy Whipping Cream (32 fl. oz.)
Made with fresh milk and cream, Member's Mark Heavy Whipping Cream is an absolute must-have for every kitchen. With so many uses, from enriching your recipes to beautifying your baked goods, this item will disappear from your refrigerator in no time. Each carton delivers wholesome nutrition at an exceptional value and promises to delight your inner chef. Especially during the holidays, where every recipe calls for a bit extra, be it soups, sauces or the irresistible desserts like pies and ice cream.
лв 6.25

Heavy Whipping Cream (32 fl. oz.)
Made with fresh milk and cream, Member's Mark Heavy Whipping Cream is an absolute must-have for every kitchen. With so many uses, from enriching your recipes to beautifying your baked goods, this item will disappear from your refrigerator in no time. Each carton delivers wholesome nutrition at an exceptional value and promises to delight your inner chef. Especially during the holidays, where every recipe calls for a bit extra, be it soups, sauces or the irresistible desserts like pies and ice cream.
Τιμή лв 6.25
Daisy Brand Sour Cream (3 lb. tub)
Everything tastes better with a dollop of Daisy® Brand Sour Cream (3 lb. tub). Daisy sour cream is America's favorite sour cream, loved for its perfect taste and velvety texture. It's a terrific topping for baked potatoes, nachos, tacos and other family favorites. Daisy cream also blends beautifully into recipes, making everything from beef stroganoff and French onion dip to blintzes and coffee cakes richer and more delicious.
лв 4.99

Daisy Brand Sour Cream (3 lb. tub)
Everything tastes better with a dollop of Daisy® Brand Sour Cream (3 lb. tub). Daisy sour cream is America's favorite sour cream, loved for its perfect taste and velvety texture. It's a terrific topping for baked potatoes, nachos, tacos and other family favorites. Daisy cream also blends beautifully into recipes, making everything from beef stroganoff and French onion dip to blintzes and coffee cakes richer and more delicious.
Τιμή лв 4.99
Chobani Fruit On The Bottom Greek Yogurt Variety Pack (16 pk.)
This variety pack includes 16 single-serving cartons (5.3 oz. each).Mango: Four single servings of sweet mango chunks beneath a velvety layer of Chobani Greek Yogurt.Mixed Berry: Four single servings of real, delicious berries on the bottom topped with rich vanilla Greek Yogurt.Pineapple: Four single servings of chunked and juicy pineapple beneath thick, creamy Chobani Greek Yogurt.Strawberry Banana: Four single servings of real strawberries and real bananas beneath delicious Chobani Greek Yogurt.
лв 14.99

Chobani Fruit On The Bottom Greek Yogurt Variety Pack (16 pk.)
This variety pack includes 16 single-serving cartons (5.3 oz. each).Mango: Four single servings of sweet mango chunks beneath a velvety layer of Chobani Greek Yogurt.Mixed Berry: Four single servings of real, delicious berries on the bottom topped with rich vanilla Greek Yogurt.Pineapple: Four single servings of chunked and juicy pineapple beneath thick, creamy Chobani Greek Yogurt.Strawberry Banana: Four single servings of real strawberries and real bananas beneath delicious Chobani Greek Yogurt.
Τιμή лв 14.99
Activia Probiotic Lowfat Yogurt, Variety Pack (24 ct.)
Activia® Probiotic Lowfat Yogurt, Variety Pack contains billions of active and live probiotics that are crucial to good gut health. Along with the health benefits your body gets from daily, good-for-your-gut bacteria, this probiotic yogurt also tastes great. Great for kids and adults alike, this variety pack of 24 low-fat yogurts ensures that you always have the flavor you crave on hand—strawberry, black cherry or peach.
лв 12.99

Activia Probiotic Lowfat Yogurt, Variety Pack (24 ct.)
Activia® Probiotic Lowfat Yogurt, Variety Pack contains billions of active and live probiotics that are crucial to good gut health. Along with the health benefits your body gets from daily, good-for-your-gut bacteria, this probiotic yogurt also tastes great. Great for kids and adults alike, this variety pack of 24 low-fat yogurts ensures that you always have the flavor you crave on hand—strawberry, black cherry or peach.

Τιμή лв 12.99
Dannon Oikos Triple Zero Blended Greek Nonfat Yogurt, Variety Pack (5.3 oz., 18 pk.)
Oikos Triple Zero has the power to get you through your day. With no added sugar or sweeteners, this yogurt packs a nutritious punch with 15 grams of protein and only 120 calories. Each cup has only six grams of sugar which is half (or less than half) of other yogurts in the supermarket. Now with three amazing flavors—Strawberry, Mixed Berry, and Vanilla—this variety pack has something the whole family will enjoy.
лв 16.00

Dannon Oikos Triple Zero Blended Greek Nonfat Yogurt, Variety Pack (5.3 oz., 18 pk.)
Oikos Triple Zero has the power to get you through your day. With no added sugar or sweeteners, this yogurt packs a nutritious punch with 15 grams of protein and only 120 calories. Each cup has only six grams of sugar which is half (or less than half) of other yogurts in the supermarket. Now with three amazing flavors—Strawberry, Mixed Berry, and Vanilla—this variety pack has something the whole family will enjoy.

Τιμή лв 16.00
Chobani Low-Fat Greek Yogurt Drink Variety Pack (7 oz., 12 pk.)
In a hurry? Don’t worry. In your bag or in the fridge at work, Drink Chobani™ beverage is a great anytime snack between meals. Grab one with one hand, cross things off your to-do list with the other.
лв 14.99
Pillsbury Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough (4.75 lbs.)
Satisfy your sweet tooth with Pillsbury Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough. Made with real chocolate, Pillsbury frozen cookie dough is ready to bake whenever you are in the mood for a treat, are entertaining guests, or trying to feed a pack of hungry kids. Pillsbury cookie dough is freezable for up to two months. Make as few or as many as you like.
лв 9.99

Pillsbury Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough (4.75 lbs.)
Satisfy your sweet tooth with Pillsbury Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough. Made with real chocolate, Pillsbury frozen cookie dough is ready to bake whenever you are in the mood for a treat, are entertaining guests, or trying to feed a pack of hungry kids. Pillsbury cookie dough is freezable for up to two months. Make as few or as many as you like.
Τιμή лв 9.99
4 of Pillsbury Original Crescent Rolls (8 oz/each)
Everyone can savor the flavor of Pillsbury™ Original Crescent Rolls. This one pack brings you four cans of dough, which is enough to last for multiple meals or a large group.
лв 8.75
Морски дарове (само 12 часа предварителна поръчка)
Подправки, масла и сосове
Heinz Tomato Ketchup (44 oz., 3 pk.)
Squeeze on a delicious layer of flavor with Heinz® Tomato Ketchup (44 oz, 3-pack). Grown, not made, it's great with burgers, sandwiches, fries and more.
лв 9.99
Pam Original Cooking Spray (12 oz., 2 pk.)
When you want to keep your pots and pans free from food mess, rely on Pam® Original Cooking Spray. Pam Cooking Spray prevents foods from sticking to cooking surfaces and unlike heavy oils, allows for fat-free baking and cooking.
лв 9.50
Hellmann’s Real Mayonnaise (64 oz.)
With a rich, creamy texture and the great taste you love, Hellmann’s Real Mayonnaise is delicious on sandwiches, in salads and in other food creations. No wonder it's America's favorite mayonnaise. Policies & plans-Specifications: 64 oz. jar, Made from real ingredients, Naturally rich in Omega 3, 0 trans fat, 0 net carbs, No high fructose corn syrup, Kosher
лв 9.25

Hellmann’s Real Mayonnaise (64 oz.)
With a rich, creamy texture and the great taste you love, Hellmann’s Real Mayonnaise is delicious on sandwiches, in salads and in other food creations. No wonder it's America's favorite mayonnaise. Policies & plans-Specifications: 64 oz. jar, Made from real ingredients, Naturally rich in Omega 3, 0 trans fat, 0 net carbs, No high fructose corn syrup, Kosher
Τιμή лв 9.25
Hidden Valley The Original Ranch Dressing (40 oz., 2 pk.)
Put together a quick, easy dinner anytime when you’re stocked up with this two pack of Hidden Valley® Original Ranch® Dressing. This Original Ranch® Dressing makes it simple to get your daily dose of veggies. For delicious side dishes, mix with pasta or potatoes.
лв 12.00

Hidden Valley The Original Ranch Dressing (40 oz., 2 pk.)
Put together a quick, easy dinner anytime when you’re stocked up with this two pack of Hidden Valley® Original Ranch® Dressing. This Original Ranch® Dressing makes it simple to get your daily dose of veggies. For delicious side dishes, mix with pasta or potatoes.
Τιμή лв 12.00
Nutella Hazelnut Spread Twin Pack (26.5 oz., 2 pk.)
Move over PB&J, Nutella is here to stay (on your toast). It's so tasty, you'll even want to spread it on muffins, bagels and fruit. And we don't blame you.
лв 12.00
Welch's Concord Grape Jelly (30 oz., 2 pk.)
With delicious, bold fruit taste, it's no wonder Welch's is America's #1 grape jelly.
лв 5.99
Sweet Baby Ray's Barbecue Sauce (40 oz., 2 pk.)
Take your barbecue to the next level with Sweet Baby Ray's® Barbecue Sauce. Sweet Baby Ray's sauce is the boss when it comes to barbecues, with an award-winning, mouthwatering recipe that's made it one of the world's most popular prepared barbecue sauces.
лв 7.99

Sweet Baby Ray's Barbecue Sauce (40 oz., 2 pk.)
Take your barbecue to the next level with Sweet Baby Ray's® Barbecue Sauce. Sweet Baby Ray's sauce is the boss when it comes to barbecues, with an award-winning, mouthwatering recipe that's made it one of the world's most popular prepared barbecue sauces.
Τιμή лв 7.99
Hidden Valley Original Ranch Salad Dressing and Seasoning Mix (16 oz.)
It's that undeniably mouthwatering classic ranch flavor, but in a convenient dry form for sprinkling on everything from savory snacks to meat, fish and veggies.
лв 9.99
Heinz Condiments Picnic Pack (4 ct.)
Heinz® Picnic Pack (4 pk.) is an economical choice as it saves you money versus buying the two bottles of Heinz Ketchup, one bottle of sweet relish and one bottle of yellow mustard separately.
лв 10.99
Bertolli Alfredo Sauce (15 oz., 3 pk.)
Indulge your senses with the rich flavor and velvety texture of Bertolli® Alfredo Sauce. This luxuriant pasta sauce is made with real aged parmesan cheese and fresh cream for a gourmet dining experience that family and friends will adore.
лв 6.99
Ragu Old World Style Traditional Pasta Sauce (45 oz., 3 pk.)
Classically crafted with vine-ripened tomatoes and Italian spices, these smooth Old World Style® spaghetti sauces have the rich, familiar flavor you’re looking for. Made with vine-ripped tomatoes and a traditional taste that has become a family favorite. Sauce that is slowly simmered in tradition for a classic that families crave. Contains two servings of vegetables in every 1/2 cup of sauce.
лв 9.99

Ragu Old World Style Traditional Pasta Sauce (45 oz., 3 pk.)
Classically crafted with vine-ripened tomatoes and Italian spices, these smooth Old World Style® spaghetti sauces have the rich, familiar flavor you’re looking for. Made with vine-ripped tomatoes and a traditional taste that has become a family favorite. Sauce that is slowly simmered in tradition for a classic that families crave. Contains two servings of vegetables in every 1/2 cup of sauce.
Τιμή лв 9.99
Skippy Creamy Peanut Butter Spread (48 oz., 2 pk)
SKIPPY® Creamy Peanut Butter Spread's wholesome, smooth and creamy goodness has been satisfying hunger since 1933. Packing a powerful, peanutty, energy punch, SKIPPY boasts 7 grams of protein without any artificial colors or flavoring. Over 2000 of the freshest, finest-quality peanuts are in each 48 oz. jar included in these creamy SKIPPY Peanut Butter Spread 2-packs.
лв 11.99

Skippy Creamy Peanut Butter Spread (48 oz., 2 pk)
SKIPPY® Creamy Peanut Butter Spread's wholesome, smooth and creamy goodness has been satisfying hunger since 1933. Packing a powerful, peanutty, energy punch, SKIPPY boasts 7 grams of protein without any artificial colors or flavoring. Over 2000 of the freshest, finest-quality peanuts are in each 48 oz. jar included in these creamy SKIPPY Peanut Butter Spread 2-packs.
Τιμή лв 11.99
Bertolli Extra Light Olive Oil (2 L)
With a neutral taste that doesn't overpower your foods, Bertolli Extra Light Olive Oil makes it a breeze to cook up quality meals for the family. Use it for pasta and more.
лв 16.50
Vegetable Oil (3 qt., 2 ct.)
Vegetable Oil is a staple for every pantry. Great for skillet or deep-frying just about anything, this is a go-to choice for any home chef. Because hydrogenated vegetable oil is used so often, this two-pack will ensure that you aren't stuck without one of your most important ingredients in the middle of cooking dinner.
лв 9.99

Vegetable Oil (3 qt., 2 ct.)
Vegetable Oil is a staple for every pantry. Great for skillet or deep-frying just about anything, this is a go-to choice for any home chef. Because hydrogenated vegetable oil is used so often, this two-pack will ensure that you aren't stuck without one of your most important ingredients in the middle of cooking dinner.
Τιμή лв 9.99
Hershey's Chocolate Syrup (48 oz., 2 ct.)
Enjoy the rich chocolate taste of Hershey's Chocolate Syrup (48 oz, 2 count). Great for ice cream sundaes and a variety of baked goods, this syrup is a staple for every household pantry.
лв 9.99
100% Pure Olive Oil (3 L)
100% Pure Olive Oil has the purity, consistency, and taste that chefs love. Use it as a cooking ingredient or toss some on your next salad.
лв 16.99
Hellmann's Real Mayonnaise (25 oz., 3 pk.)
aste tradition and goodness in every drop of Hellmann's® Real Mayonnaise (25 oz., 3 pk.). Hellmann's is a true American original, featuring simple ingredients, a rich, creamy texture and a tangy taste that's made it the nation's leading brand.
лв 13.25

Hellmann's Real Mayonnaise (25 oz., 3 pk.)
aste tradition and goodness in every drop of Hellmann's® Real Mayonnaise (25 oz., 3 pk.). Hellmann's is a true American original, featuring simple ingredients, a rich, creamy texture and a tangy taste that's made it the nation's leading brand.
Τιμή лв 13.25
French's Classic Yellow Mustard (30 oz., 2 pk.)
French's® Classic Yellow Mustard (30 oz, 2 pack) is a frugal way to purchase this 100% natural product created with stone-ground seeds of the highest-quality. The smooth tangy taste and delicate texture of this classic yellow mustard make a fine complement to your favorite foods. French's Classic Yellow Mustard has long been a favorite at American barbecues and in America's kitchens. A hot dog just wouldn't be the same without French's yellow mustard; your guests will thank you for it.
лв 6.99

French's Classic Yellow Mustard (30 oz., 2 pk.)
French's® Classic Yellow Mustard (30 oz, 2 pack) is a frugal way to purchase this 100% natural product created with stone-ground seeds of the highest-quality. The smooth tangy taste and delicate texture of this classic yellow mustard make a fine complement to your favorite foods. French's Classic Yellow Mustard has long been a favorite at American barbecues and in America's kitchens. A hot dog just wouldn't be the same without French's yellow mustard; your guests will thank you for it.
Τιμή лв 6.99
Canola Oil (3 qt., 2 ct.)
Keep your pantry stocked with Member's Mark Canola Oil, a plant-based oil that can be used to make a variety of tasty meals. Canola oil is a staple in homes and in the food service industry thanks to its versatility and mild flavor.
лв 9.50
McCormick Brown Gravy Mix (21 oz.)
McCormick® Brown Gravy Mix (21 oz.) is an easy way to make your meals come to life. It's ideal for adding savory flavor to vegetables and meats.
лв 6.50
Olive Garden Signature Italian Dressing (24 oz., 2 pk.)
Olive Garden Signature Italian Dressing (24 oz bottle, 2 count) is the exact same dressing that diners get in the Olive Garden restaurant. If you love Olive Garden's signature Italian dressing, these bottles bring that delicious, tangy, herbaceous flavor to your kitchen at home.
лв 9.99

Olive Garden Signature Italian Dressing (24 oz., 2 pk.)
Olive Garden Signature Italian Dressing (24 oz bottle, 2 count) is the exact same dressing that diners get in the Olive Garden restaurant. If you love Olive Garden's signature Italian dressing, these bottles bring that delicious, tangy, herbaceous flavor to your kitchen at home.
Τιμή лв 9.99
Organic Virgin Coconut Oil (56 oz.)
Organic Virgin Coconut Oil is a healthy, flavorful alternative to other less nutritious cooking oils. By traveling the world to find the world's best virgin coconut oil in the tropical islands of the Philippines, they found rich, volcanic soil, bountiful year-round rainfall and warm salty coastal air gave the perfect environment for growing wonderful coconuts.
лв 16.99

Organic Virgin Coconut Oil (56 oz.)
Organic Virgin Coconut Oil is a healthy, flavorful alternative to other less nutritious cooking oils. By traveling the world to find the world's best virgin coconut oil in the tropical islands of the Philippines, they found rich, volcanic soil, bountiful year-round rainfall and warm salty coastal air gave the perfect environment for growing wonderful coconuts.
Τιμή лв 16.99
McCormick Poultry Gravy Mix (18 oz.)
Make your meals stand out with McCormick® Poultry Gravy Mix. It's wonderful for adding rich flavor to chicken and turkey.
лв 6.99
Skippy Super Chunk Peanut Butter (48 oz., 2 pk.)
Skippy® Super Chunk Peanut Butter (48 oz., 2 pk.) is a two pack of Skippy crunchy peanut butter that offers chunks of peanuts in each and every bite. The simple recipe for Skippy chunky peanut butter uses only four ingredients, without all the fillers you might find in other foods. At a weight of 6 lb., this duo of peanut butter goodness is sure to last even in large families.
лв 10.99

Skippy Super Chunk Peanut Butter (48 oz., 2 pk.)
Skippy® Super Chunk Peanut Butter (48 oz., 2 pk.) is a two pack of Skippy crunchy peanut butter that offers chunks of peanuts in each and every bite. The simple recipe for Skippy chunky peanut butter uses only four ingredients, without all the fillers you might find in other foods. At a weight of 6 lb., this duo of peanut butter goodness is sure to last even in large families.
Τιμή лв 10.99
Virginia Brand Vidalia Onion Vinegarette (30 oz., 2 pk.)
If you want to bring a zing to your next salad, use Virginia Brand Vidalia® Onion Vinegarette (30 oz. ea., 2 pk.). This creamy dressing adds the sweet, tangy bite of Vidalia onions to any dish. Use it as a dressing for salad, as a dip for veggies or a marinade.
лв 8.50

Virginia Brand Vidalia Onion Vinegarette (30 oz., 2 pk.)
If you want to bring a zing to your next salad, use Virginia Brand Vidalia® Onion Vinegarette (30 oz. ea., 2 pk.). This creamy dressing adds the sweet, tangy bite of Vidalia onions to any dish. Use it as a dressing for salad, as a dip for veggies or a marinade.
Τιμή лв 8.50
A.1. Steak Sauce (15 oz., 2 pk.)
A.1.® Sauce is steak's best friend. A blend of tomatoes, crushed oranges, tangy vinegar, garlic and a mix of spices, A.1. Sauce and its unique flavor profile take steak to the next level. Dip your steak in A.1. Original Sauce or brush it on while your meat is cooking.
лв 9.99

A.1. Steak Sauce (15 oz., 2 pk.)
A.1.® Sauce is steak's best friend. A blend of tomatoes, crushed oranges, tangy vinegar, garlic and a mix of spices, A.1. Sauce and its unique flavor profile take steak to the next level. Dip your steak in A.1. Original Sauce or brush it on while your meat is cooking.
Τιμή лв 9.99
Olive Oil Cooking Spray (7 oz., 2 pk.)
Whether in a home or restaurant, Non-Stick Olive Oil Cooking Spray is an economical alternative to cooking with butter, margarine, or oil. It prevents food from sticking, makes for easy cleanup, and adds no unwanted flavor to food. Use on saute' pans, waffle irons, baking sheets, food slicers, casserole dishes, buffet trays, and more..
лв 6.50

Olive Oil Cooking Spray (7 oz., 2 pk.)
Whether in a home or restaurant, Non-Stick Olive Oil Cooking Spray is an economical alternative to cooking with butter, margarine, or oil. It prevents food from sticking, makes for easy cleanup, and adds no unwanted flavor to food. Use on saute' pans, waffle irons, baking sheets, food slicers, casserole dishes, buffet trays, and more..
Τιμή лв 6.50
Frank's RedHot Original (25 oz., 2 pk.)
Those who love hot sauce probably have a soft spot for one of the most beloved options in the world – Frank's® hot sauce. This sauce is a part of many homes and restaurants all across the country and with good reason. Frank's RedHot® Original (25 oz. ea., 2 pk.) has been the number one buffalo wings flavor and the number one hot sauce in the United States.
лв 7.50

Frank's RedHot Original (25 oz., 2 pk.)
Those who love hot sauce probably have a soft spot for one of the most beloved options in the world – Frank's® hot sauce. This sauce is a part of many homes and restaurants all across the country and with good reason. Frank's RedHot® Original (25 oz. ea., 2 pk.) has been the number one buffalo wings flavor and the number one hot sauce in the United States.
Τιμή лв 7.50
Mario Spanish Premium Manzanilla Olives (21 oz. jars, 2 ct.)
Twin pack, Imported, Trans Fat Free, Cholesterol Free, 2/21 oz. jar
лв 9.68
Wesson Pure Vegetable Oil (5 qts.)
Wesson® Pure Vegetable Oil can be used to cook and bake countless dishes because of its versatility and light, complementary flavor. This pure vegetable oil's neutral taste doesn't overpower your dishes and the cholesterol-free, preservative-free and trans-fat-free recipe means that you may sauté, grill, bake and fry up foods as you desire.
лв 9.98

Wesson Pure Vegetable Oil (5 qts.)
Wesson® Pure Vegetable Oil can be used to cook and bake countless dishes because of its versatility and light, complementary flavor. This pure vegetable oil's neutral taste doesn't overpower your dishes and the cholesterol-free, preservative-free and trans-fat-free recipe means that you may sauté, grill, bake and fry up foods as you desire.
Τιμή лв 9.98
Wesson Pure Canola Oil (5 qts.)
Wesson Pure Canola Oil is one of the most popular cooking oil options in the country. It offers a healthy alternative to cooking with animal fats and butter. This organic canola oil is a natural, cholesterol-free product that doesn't contain any trans fats. It's also free from preservatives. Use this 5-qt pack of Wesson canola oil to stock your kitchen for long-lasting use and make healthy cooking a habit for your family.
лв 9.98

Wesson Pure Canola Oil (5 qts.)
Wesson Pure Canola Oil is one of the most popular cooking oil options in the country. It offers a healthy alternative to cooking with animal fats and butter. This organic canola oil is a natural, cholesterol-free product that doesn't contain any trans fats. It's also free from preservatives. Use this 5-qt pack of Wesson canola oil to stock your kitchen for long-lasting use and make healthy cooking a habit for your family.
Τιμή лв 9.98
Prego Italian Flavored Meat Sauce (67 oz., 2 pk.)
Prego® Italian Sauce Flavored with Meat gives a savory boost to the rich, sweet taste of vine-ripened tomatoes balanced with flavorful herbs and seasonings. Use this combination on pasta or as a base for your own family-pleasing recipes.
лв 9.99

Prego Italian Flavored Meat Sauce (67 oz., 2 pk.)
Prego® Italian Sauce Flavored with Meat gives a savory boost to the rich, sweet taste of vine-ripened tomatoes balanced with flavorful herbs and seasonings. Use this combination on pasta or as a base for your own family-pleasing recipes.
Τιμή лв 9.99
Litehouse Homestyle Ranch Dressing and Dip (32 oz.)
Combine herb and vegetable flavors for a well-rounded, robust ranch taste with Litehouse™ Homestyle Ranch Dressing and Dip (32 oz.).
лв 6.99
Paprika (18 oz.)
Add smoky heat with a hint of sweetness to favorite recipes Paprika (18 oz.). From adding color and flavor to everyday favorites like scrambled eggs to more involved dishes like Chicken Paprikash, this versatile seasoning will add that something extra to all your meals.
лв 8.99

Paprika (18 oz.)
Add smoky heat with a hint of sweetness to favorite recipes Paprika (18 oz.). From adding color and flavor to everyday favorites like scrambled eggs to more involved dishes like Chicken Paprikash, this versatile seasoning will add that something extra to all your meals.
Τιμή лв 8.99
Mark Basil (6.25 oz.)
A must-have pantry staple. Italian cooking isn't complete without it.
лв 5.98
Oregano (5.5 oz.)
A must-have pantry staple. No pizza night is complete without it.
лв 5.99
Garlic Powder (21 oz.)
Garlic Powder offers the intense and delicious flavor of garlic without the need to work with fresh garlic in your kitchen. This seasoning can be used to make garlic and herb seasoning that tastes great on everything from Italian dishes to Indian recipes. It can also be used to make spreads, soups and marinades quickly and easily.
лв 9.99

Garlic Powder (21 oz.)
Garlic Powder offers the intense and delicious flavor of garlic without the need to work with fresh garlic in your kitchen. This seasoning can be used to make garlic and herb seasoning that tastes great on everything from Italian dishes to Indian recipes. It can also be used to make spreads, soups and marinades quickly and easily.
Τιμή лв 9.99
Black Pepper (18 oz.)
Packaged for food service operators, Member's Mark Restaurant Black Pepper by Tone's is ground slightly coarser than ground black pepper, eliminating dust. Sprinkle it over chowders, cream soups, meats and fish, oven-roasted vegetables and egg dishes to give them just the right amount of peppery bite.
лв 8.98

Black Pepper (18 oz.)
Packaged for food service operators, Member's Mark Restaurant Black Pepper by Tone's is ground slightly coarser than ground black pepper, eliminating dust. Sprinkle it over chowders, cream soups, meats and fish, oven-roasted vegetables and egg dishes to give them just the right amount of peppery bite.
Τιμή лв 8.98
Minced Garlic (48 oz.)
Add incredible flavor to your dishes with Minced Garlic. This bottle of minced garlic is perfect for service kitchens or households that are looking for ways to save time on prep work. In addition, this product will last a long time if proper storage instructions are followed.
лв 5.98

Minced Garlic (48 oz.)
Add incredible flavor to your dishes with Minced Garlic. This bottle of minced garlic is perfect for service kitchens or households that are looking for ways to save time on prep work. In addition, this product will last a long time if proper storage instructions are followed.
Τιμή лв 5.98
Chives (1.4 oz.)
Chives are a bright green thin leaf of an onion-like member of the lily family. A mild onion flavor great for salads, stews, or main courses. Adds a delicate onion flavor without overpowering. Use as finishing touch or to impart subtle flavor in dips, soups, and more. Chives blend well with basil, cilantro, and parsley. Chives feature a hint of garlic that makes them perfect for dips, stews, and soups. Also used as a garnish to bring beautiful green color to your dishes. Store in a cool, dark, dry place for optimal flavor.
лв 8.00

Chives (1.4 oz.)
Chives are a bright green thin leaf of an onion-like member of the lily family. A mild onion flavor great for salads, stews, or main courses. Adds a delicate onion flavor without overpowering. Use as finishing touch or to impart subtle flavor in dips, soups, and more. Chives blend well with basil, cilantro, and parsley. Chives feature a hint of garlic that makes them perfect for dips, stews, and soups. Also used as a garnish to bring beautiful green color to your dishes. Store in a cool, dark, dry place for optimal flavor.
Τιμή лв 8.00
Thyme (9.25 oz.)
Thyme Leaves add an aromatic, earthy hint of flavor to a wide range of foods. Small, grayish-green leaves is the signature look of thyme. Pair thyme with herbs like oregano for a delicious and distinctly Mediterranean taste. Great in rubs for poultry, pork, or roasts. Also key in pasta sauce and pizza. Pairs nicely with fresh tomatoes and olive oil. Store in a cool, dark, dry place for optimal flavor.
лв 8.88

Thyme (9.25 oz.)
Thyme Leaves add an aromatic, earthy hint of flavor to a wide range of foods. Small, grayish-green leaves is the signature look of thyme. Pair thyme with herbs like oregano for a delicious and distinctly Mediterranean taste. Great in rubs for poultry, pork, or roasts. Also key in pasta sauce and pizza. Pairs nicely with fresh tomatoes and olive oil. Store in a cool, dark, dry place for optimal flavor.
Τιμή лв 8.88
Granulated Garlic (26 oz.)
Add savory flavor to any dish with Granulated Garlic. It’s ideal for any cuisine, especially recipes like spaghetti, chowders, quiche and meatloaf. Use it in your home or commercial kitchen.
лв 9.99
Ground Black Pepper (18 oz.)
Every kitchen needs ground black pepper. It's a staple item that adds deep, rich flavor to any savory dish and with our generous 18 oz. size, you won't run out!
лв 8.99
Minced Onion (15 oz.)
Minced Onion is bursting with flavor. Dehydrated minced onion is a quick and convenient way to keep onion on hand at all times. Many dishes are enhanced by the flavor of onion; try dehydrated minced onion in your meatloaf recipe; your family will love the distinctive taste. Keeping onions in the refrigerator is great, but fresh onions can spoil over time. Instant minced onion is a convenient and flavorful alternative to fresh onions for the busy cook.
лв 7.98

Minced Onion (15 oz.)
Minced Onion is bursting with flavor. Dehydrated minced onion is a quick and convenient way to keep onion on hand at all times. Many dishes are enhanced by the flavor of onion; try dehydrated minced onion in your meatloaf recipe; your family will love the distinctive taste. Keeping onions in the refrigerator is great, but fresh onions can spoil over time. Instant minced onion is a convenient and flavorful alternative to fresh onions for the busy cook.
Τιμή лв 7.98
Chili Powder (20 oz.)
Add flavor and a dash of heat to a variety of dishes with Chili Powder. Containing an array of spices including salt, garlic and chili peppers, it’s great in ethnic dishes like burritos, pulled pork, black bean soup and Indian butter chicken. It also eliminates the need for separate spices when you’re making soups, stews, burgers and steaks.
лв 9.99

Chili Powder (20 oz.)
Add flavor and a dash of heat to a variety of dishes with Chili Powder. Containing an array of spices including salt, garlic and chili peppers, it’s great in ethnic dishes like burritos, pulled pork, black bean soup and Indian butter chicken. It also eliminates the need for separate spices when you’re making soups, stews, burgers and steaks.
Τιμή лв 9.99
Ground Cinnamon (18 oz.)
Ground Cinnamon you can stay well-stocked with the delicious and versatile spice that is used in sweet and savory cuisines across the globe. This fragrant spice is ideal for use at home and in professional kitchens and will likely be used daily for one meal or another.
лв 9.98

Ground Cinnamon (18 oz.)
Ground Cinnamon you can stay well-stocked with the delicious and versatile spice that is used in sweet and savory cuisines across the globe. This fragrant spice is ideal for use at home and in professional kitchens and will likely be used daily for one meal or another.
Τιμή лв 9.98
Onion Powder (20 oz.)
Add a dash of onion wherever you need it with Onion Powder. Use it in fried chicken batter, dressings, and homemade French onion dip. But don't stop there.
лв 8.18
Ground Cumin (16 oz.)
Warm and earthy, cumin is a staple in Mexican, Indian, and North African cooking. Ground Cumin infuses enchiladas, curries, Moroccan lentil soups, and more with a signature taste and aroma.
лв 10.50
Morton Iodized Salt (4 lbs.)
With Morton® Iodized Salt you can keep your kitchen well-stocked on an essential seasoning as well as have easy access to a nutrient that's vital to your body's health. This bulk package is perfect for use at home as well as in commercial kitchens.
лв 2.99
Crushed Red Pepper (13.5 oz.)
Crushed Red Pepper by Tone's provides a fiery, invigorating taste to everything from a slice of pizza to pasta and rice dishes.
лв 6.92
Granulated Onion (20 oz.)
Granulated Onion will add lots of flavor to your dishes. It is the perfect seasoning for grilled or fried meats. You can also spice up stews, soups, meatloaf and salad dressings with this savory seasoning. Convenient, you'll get the intense taste of onion without having to go through the work that goes along with chopping or dicing.
лв 7.98

Granulated Onion (20 oz.)
Granulated Onion will add lots of flavor to your dishes. It is the perfect seasoning for grilled or fried meats. You can also spice up stews, soups, meatloaf and salad dressings with this savory seasoning. Convenient, you'll get the intense taste of onion without having to go through the work that goes along with chopping or dicing.
Τιμή лв 7.98
Rosemary Leaves (8.5 oz.)
Add a touch of aromatic flavor to your meals with Rosemary Leaves. They're ideal for sprinkling onto meats, into sauces and more.
лв 7.98
Cayenne Pepper (16 oz.)
Add a kick to your dish with Cayenne Pepper. This is 100 percent cayenne pepper, a spice that has been beloved for thousands of years. Several cultures have embraced the flavorful heart of cayenne pepper, from traditional Chinese dishes to Cajun cuisine like jambalaya and gumbo.
лв 7.98

Cayenne Pepper (16 oz.)
Add a kick to your dish with Cayenne Pepper. This is 100 percent cayenne pepper, a spice that has been beloved for thousands of years. Several cultures have embraced the flavorful heart of cayenne pepper, from traditional Chinese dishes to Cajun cuisine like jambalaya and gumbo.
Τιμή лв 7.98
White Balsamic Vinaigrette (36 oz.)
Having the right salad dressing can make a bland meal much better. With White Balsamic Vinaigrette, you’ll get not only an option for a tasty salad dressing but a product that can take care of some other jobs around the kitchen.
лв 6.96
Olivari Avocado Oil (1 L)
This Olivari® Avocado Oil is a versatile product that goes great in a variety of dishes. Open a bottle today for a bit of flavor your family will enjoy.
лв 9.99
Litehouse Premium Blue Cheese Dressing and Dip (32 oz.)
Litehouse Premium Blue Cheese combines aged blue cheese, the perfect blend of spices, and a creamy base to provide a wonderfully balanced flavor. This dressing is the perfect addition to burgers, sandwiches, wraps, and even potato salad. It's also a must-have complement for wings. Keep a bottle handy for all of your dipping needs. What you get is great taste without artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives. The convenient 32-oz. packaging is perfect for large families or for entertaining a big group.
лв 6.88

Litehouse Premium Blue Cheese Dressing and Dip (32 oz.)
Litehouse Premium Blue Cheese combines aged blue cheese, the perfect blend of spices, and a creamy base to provide a wonderfully balanced flavor. This dressing is the perfect addition to burgers, sandwiches, wraps, and even potato salad. It's also a must-have complement for wings. Keep a bottle handy for all of your dipping needs. What you get is great taste without artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives. The convenient 32-oz. packaging is perfect for large families or for entertaining a big group.
Τιμή лв 6.88
100% Italian Extra Virgin Olive Oil (1 L)
100% Italian Extra Virgin Olive Oil (1 L) is sourced from the best olive-growing regions in all of Italy. The olives are harvested at optimal ripeness. Then the entire olive (pulp, skin and pit) is crushed and gently mixed to allow the various flavor components to permeate deep into the oil.
лв 11.50

100% Italian Extra Virgin Olive Oil (1 L)
100% Italian Extra Virgin Olive Oil (1 L) is sourced from the best olive-growing regions in all of Italy. The olives are harvested at optimal ripeness. Then the entire olive (pulp, skin and pit) is crushed and gently mixed to allow the various flavor components to permeate deep into the oil.
Τιμή лв 11.50
Cheetos Crunchy Cheese Flavored Snacks (17.875 oz.)
Add a crunchy, cheesy flavor to your snack game with Cheetos® Crunchy Cheese Flavored Snacks (17.875 oz.).
лв 4.25
Cheetos Puffs Cheese Flavored Snacks (15.25 oz.)
Enjoy the classic, cheesy flavor of Cheetos® Puffs Cheese Flavored Snacks in a fluffy puff version.
лв 4.25
Tostitos Original Restaurant Style Tortilla Chips (19.125 oz.)
Tostitos® Original Restaurant Style Tortilla Chips (19.125 oz.) makes it easy to savor a classic snack. This family-sized bag can be a convenient option for many different venues.
лв 4.25
Lay's Wavy Potato Chips (15.875 oz.)
Add some delicious, crispy texture to your life with Lay's® Wavy Potato Chips (15.875 oz.). The flavor of these chips is as rich as Lay's history: a potato chip company that has offered crisp, quality flavor to customers for over 75 years.
лв 4.50
Cheetos Crunchy Flamin' Hot Cheese Flavored Snacks (17.875 oz.)
Enjoy the same crunch and a delicious kick of spice with Cheetos® Crunchy Flamin' Hot Cheese Flavored Snacks.
лв 4.50
3 of Tostitos Salsa Variety Pack (15.5 oz., 3 ct.)
Choose this Tostitos® Salsa Variety Pack when you need a flavor and spiciness level to satisfy different tastes. Everyone in the house will be happy when they can choose their favorite Tostitos restaurant-style salsa.
лв 9.99
Tostitos Salsa and Lay's Dip Variety Pack (15.5 oz., 3 ct.)
Everyone has a different taste when it comes to dips, and that means you might want to consider having more than one variety stored at home. With this Tostitos® Salsa and Lay's® Dip Variety Pack, you will have some great options that can satisfy every snacking need.
лв 9.99

Tostitos Salsa and Lay's Dip Variety Pack (15.5 oz., 3 ct.)
Everyone has a different taste when it comes to dips, and that means you might want to consider having more than one variety stored at home. With this Tostitos® Salsa and Lay's® Dip Variety Pack, you will have some great options that can satisfy every snacking need.
Τιμή лв 9.99
Wholly Guacamole Classic Guacamole, Mild (12 oz., 3 pk.)
Enjoy the classic taste of real guacamole on your favorite chips, tacos, burgers and more with Wholly Guacamole® Classic Guacamole, Mild.
лв 10.99
ACT II Butter Lovers Microwave Popcorn (3 oz., 30 pk.)
For those who love butter and salty snack foods, Act II® Butter Lovers® Microwave Popcorn (3 oz., 30 bags) arrives hot, fluffy and undeniably delicious from the microwave in just a matter of minutes.
лв 9.99
Smartfood White Cheddar Popcorn (17 oz.)
Smartfood® White Cheddar Popcorn is bursting with white cheddar flavor and fabulously fresh popcorn crunch in each bite. Low in calories and high in intense cheesy flavor, this white cheddar popcorn will satisfy your cravings and leave you feeling great about choosing a 100% whole grain snack.
лв 5.99

Smartfood White Cheddar Popcorn (17 oz.)
Smartfood® White Cheddar Popcorn is bursting with white cheddar flavor and fabulously fresh popcorn crunch in each bite. Low in calories and high in intense cheesy flavor, this white cheddar popcorn will satisfy your cravings and leave you feeling great about choosing a 100% whole grain snack.
Τιμή лв 5.99
Nabisco Oreo Cookies (5.25 oz., 10 pk.)
Milk's preferred cookie for dunking is none other than the Oreo. Always made with real cocoa, these are in 10 stay-fresh packs so you stay stocked up.
лв 9.99
Nabisco Nilla Wafers (15 oz., 2 ct.)
Nabisco® Nilla® Wafers (15 oz., 2 ct.) are the crunchy sweet cookies filled with delicious vanilla flavor beloved by snackers of all ages. These classic cookies are also a favorite to use in a slew of baking recipes just eating straight out of the box!
лв 8.25

Nabisco Nilla Wafers (15 oz., 2 ct.)
Nabisco® Nilla® Wafers (15 oz., 2 ct.) are the crunchy sweet cookies filled with delicious vanilla flavor beloved by snackers of all ages. These classic cookies are also a favorite to use in a slew of baking recipes just eating straight out of the box!
Τιμή лв 8.25
Natural Shelled Walnuts (3 lbs.)
Natural Shelled Walnuts (3 lbs.) are a healthy and versatile snack that can also be used as an ingredient in a wide range of baking and cooking recipes. Keep a package of these healthy snacks handy to sprinkle in yogurt or cereal, top salads with or eat by the handful.
лв 14.25

Natural Shelled Walnuts (3 lbs.)
Natural Shelled Walnuts (3 lbs.) are a healthy and versatile snack that can also be used as an ingredient in a wide range of baking and cooking recipes. Keep a package of these healthy snacks handy to sprinkle in yogurt or cereal, top salads with or eat by the handful.
Τιμή лв 14.25
Deluxe Mixed Nuts with Sea Salt (34 oz.)
Use Member's Mark™ Deluxe Mixed Nuts with Sea Salt to curb cravings in a delicious way. This jar of mixed nuts is large enough to share.
лв 16.50
Roasted Whole Cashews with Sea Salt (33 oz.)
Give your family and friends a classic snack with this Member's Mark™ Roasted Whole Cashews with Sea Salt. This sizable jar is ideal for sharing with others.
лв 16.50
Roasted and Salted Mixed Nuts with Peanuts (34 oz.)
Roasted and Salted Mixed Nuts with Peanuts is a healthy and wholesome treat for any occasion. It includes an assortment of nuts including cashews, almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts and pecans. It's the perfect snack for movie night or outdoor excursions like camping, hiking or fishing.
лв 9.99

Roasted and Salted Mixed Nuts with Peanuts (34 oz.)
Roasted and Salted Mixed Nuts with Peanuts is a healthy and wholesome treat for any occasion. It includes an assortment of nuts including cashews, almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts and pecans. It's the perfect snack for movie night or outdoor excursions like camping, hiking or fishing.
Τιμή лв 9.99
Wonderful Pistachios, Roasted and Salted (1.5 oz., 24 ct.)
Use Wonderful® Pistachios, Roasted and Salted to curb your appetite during the day. Each pack supplies you with 24 packs—plenty to share with coworkers, friends, and family members.
лв 18.00
Extra Large Virginia Peanuts (34.5 oz.)
Our premium Virginia peanuts are roasted to perfection and seasoned with sea salt for a perfect crunch and taste. These extra-large nuts make a great snack for hiking, road trips, the office and any other situation when you're on the move.
лв 6.50
Dry Roasted Peanuts with Sea Salt (34.5 oz.)
Dry Roasted Peanuts with Sea Salt (34.5 oz.) are delicious and are an ideal snack to keep on hand in your home. Open a jar today and share it with everyone in your household.
лв 5.99
Unsalted Deluxe Mixed Nuts (34 oz.)
Unsalted Deluxe Mixed Nuts, you can snack in a healthy way. This large jar makes sharing easy.
лв 16.50
Chocolate Almonds (48 oz.)
Chocolate Almonds are a snack unlike any other. It all starts with a California almond that is roasted not once, but twice! Then they're dipped to perfection in a smooth, milk chocolate.
лв 14.50
Lightly Salted Whole Cashews (33 oz.)
Roasted to perfection, enjoy the wholesome flavor. Lightly Salted Whole Cashews (33 oz.).
лв 16.50
Glenda's Farmhouse Whole Natural Unsalted/Unroasted Cashews (26 oz.)
Glenda's Farmhouse Whole Natural Unsalted/Unroasted Cashews are a unique addition to any kitchen. They are the optimum choice for those looking to incorporate healthy ingredients to their day, with no compromise in flavor or quality. The natural cashews are amazing in many dishes. Use them as an addition to any stir fry or baked treats for a flavorful crunch. They are vegan and gluten-free. Use cashews as a substitute for milk, cheeses and many dairy-based recipes. Roast cashews at home with unique flavors and spices for nutritious snacking.
лв 12.99

Glenda's Farmhouse Whole Natural Unsalted/Unroasted Cashews (26 oz.)
Glenda's Farmhouse Whole Natural Unsalted/Unroasted Cashews are a unique addition to any kitchen. They are the optimum choice for those looking to incorporate healthy ingredients to their day, with no compromise in flavor or quality. The natural cashews are amazing in many dishes. Use them as an addition to any stir fry or baked treats for a flavorful crunch. They are vegan and gluten-free. Use cashews as a substitute for milk, cheeses and many dairy-based recipes. Roast cashews at home with unique flavors and spices for nutritious snacking.
Τιμή лв 12.99
Nature Valley Peanut Butter Dark Chocolate Protein Chewy Bars (1.42 oz., 30 pk.)
Nature Valley Peanut Butter Dark Chocolate Protein Chewy Bars keep on-demand energy always on-hand with a 30-count box. Each bar has 10 grams of protein power to satisfy hunger and give you a natural energy boost when you need it. Nature Valley Peanut Butter Dark Chocolate Protein Chewy Bars are naturally flavored and contain no artificial sweeteners.
лв 16.50

Nature Valley Peanut Butter Dark Chocolate Protein Chewy Bars (1.42 oz., 30 pk.)
Nature Valley Peanut Butter Dark Chocolate Protein Chewy Bars keep on-demand energy always on-hand with a 30-count box. Each bar has 10 grams of protein power to satisfy hunger and give you a natural energy boost when you need it. Nature Valley Peanut Butter Dark Chocolate Protein Chewy Bars are naturally flavored and contain no artificial sweeteners.
Τιμή лв 16.50
Nature Valley Sweet and Salty Nut Granola Bars Almond Snack Bars (36 ct.)
Sweet, salty and oh-so delicious. Nature Valley Sweet & Salty Nut Granola Bars Almond snack bars are made with 100% whole grain oats and almonds for a wholesome and satisfying snack you can enjoy any time.
лв 12.99
Nature Valley Fruit and Nut Chewy Granola Bars Trail Mix Snack Bars (48 ct.)
Your favorite on-the-go snack just got more convenient. Nature Valley Fruit and Nut Chewy Granola Bars Trail Mix Snack Bars are an easy and delicious way to fuel your next adventure. What makes these healthy snack bars so good? Two words: sweet and savory. These Nature Valley Granola Bars made with real fruit are crafted with peanuts, almonds, raisins and cranberries for a chewy snack with just the right amount of crunch.
лв 15.50

Nature Valley Fruit and Nut Chewy Granola Bars Trail Mix Snack Bars (48 ct.)
Your favorite on-the-go snack just got more convenient. Nature Valley Fruit and Nut Chewy Granola Bars Trail Mix Snack Bars are an easy and delicious way to fuel your next adventure. What makes these healthy snack bars so good? Two words: sweet and savory. These Nature Valley Granola Bars made with real fruit are crafted with peanuts, almonds, raisins and cranberries for a chewy snack with just the right amount of crunch.
Τιμή лв 15.50
Nature Valley Biscuits Variety Pack, Almond Butter and Peanut Butter, Breakfast Bars (30 ct.)
Enjoy the wholesome goodness of Nature Valley Biscuit breakfast bars. With a total of 30 yummy biscuits in every box, this Nature Valley Biscuits variety pack has 15 cinnamon biscuits with almond butter filling and 15 honey biscuits with peanut butter filling. Great for breakfast on the go or an afternoon snack, these crunchy snack bars provide the fuel you need to get you through the day.
лв 15.99

Nature Valley Biscuits Variety Pack, Almond Butter and Peanut Butter, Breakfast Bars (30 ct.)
Enjoy the wholesome goodness of Nature Valley Biscuit breakfast bars. With a total of 30 yummy biscuits in every box, this Nature Valley Biscuits variety pack has 15 cinnamon biscuits with almond butter filling and 15 honey biscuits with peanut butter filling. Great for breakfast on the go or an afternoon snack, these crunchy snack bars provide the fuel you need to get you through the day.
Τιμή лв 15.99
Mott's Medley Assorted Fruit Snacks (0.8 oz., 90 ct.)
Mott's Medley Assorted Fruit Flavored Snacks are made with real fruit and vegetable juice. You won't find any gelatin, gluten, artificial flavors, or colors from artificial sources. That means there is more goodness in every fruit-shaped piece. These fruit gummies are naturally flavored. Kids love the delicious fruit flavor, and moms like that there are no artificial flavors in Mott’s Variety Fruit Snacks.
лв 12.99

Mott's Medley Assorted Fruit Snacks (0.8 oz., 90 ct.)
Mott's Medley Assorted Fruit Flavored Snacks are made with real fruit and vegetable juice. You won't find any gelatin, gluten, artificial flavors, or colors from artificial sources. That means there is more goodness in every fruit-shaped piece. These fruit gummies are naturally flavored. Kids love the delicious fruit flavor, and moms like that there are no artificial flavors in Mott’s Variety Fruit Snacks.
Τιμή лв 12.99
Kellogg's Fruity Snacks Variety Pack (2.5 oz., 36 ct.)
Tasty and super easy to eat, the Kellogg's® Fruity Snacks Variety Pack (2.5 oz., 36 ct.) allows you to satisfy your family's hunger with three different flavors.
лв 14.99
Keebler Cookies and Crackers Variety Pack (42 pk.)
8 - Chips Deluxe Mini Rainbow (1 ounce), 9 - Fudge Stripes Minis Original (1 ounce), 12 - Cheez-It Scrabble Junior (1.02 ounces), 7 - Scooby-Doo! Graham Cracker Sticks (1 ounce), 6 - Elfin Crackers (2.12 ounces)
лв 13.99
Kellogg's Fun Mix (38 ct.)
You can never have too many snacks in the cabinet. This Kellogg's® Fun Mix (38 ct.) package comes with a range of sweet and savory options–something for everyone in the family.
лв 13.00
Pepperidge Farm Goldfish Variety Pack (0.9 oz., 45 ct.)
Pepperidge Farm® Goldfish® Variety Pack is a convenient package of playful golden baked snack crackers. Each pack within the multi-pack is individually wrapped making it quick and easy to slip into a school lunch, pocket, or the glove box of your car. Baked snack crackers contain only 120 calories, no trans fat, and only one gram of polyunsaturated fat per serving.
лв 15.00

Pepperidge Farm Goldfish Variety Pack (0.9 oz., 45 ct.)
Pepperidge Farm® Goldfish® Variety Pack is a convenient package of playful golden baked snack crackers. Each pack within the multi-pack is individually wrapped making it quick and easy to slip into a school lunch, pocket, or the glove box of your car. Baked snack crackers contain only 120 calories, no trans fat, and only one gram of polyunsaturated fat per serving.
Τιμή лв 15.00
Slim Jim Original (120 ct.)
For a satisfying meaty snack, Slim Jim® Original (120 ct.) meat sticks are a spicy bold option. They have the protein to keep you full and powered through the afternoon and satisfy those cravings. Because they're made with real beef, chicken and pork, you can feel good about snacking on Slim Jim snack sticks or putting them in your kid's lunchbox. Satisfy your hunger with this 120-pack of classic Slim Jim beef sticks.
лв 22.99

Slim Jim Original (120 ct.)
For a satisfying meaty snack, Slim Jim® Original (120 ct.) meat sticks are a spicy bold option. They have the protein to keep you full and powered through the afternoon and satisfy those cravings. Because they're made with real beef, chicken and pork, you can feel good about snacking on Slim Jim snack sticks or putting them in your kid's lunchbox. Satisfy your hunger with this 120-pack of classic Slim Jim beef sticks.
Τιμή лв 22.99
Snack Pack Pudding Variety Pack (3.25 oz., 36 pk.)
Snack Pack Pudding® Variety Pack is the perfect solution for break time, lunch time and snack time. These delicious single-serving pudding cups will help satisfy your sweet tooth.If you are looking for a delicious snack to add to your child's lunch box, these handy little pudding cups will do the trick. They provide a good amount of calcium and contain no trans fats for a great alternative to high sugar, high-fat snacks.
лв 9.50

Snack Pack Pudding Variety Pack (3.25 oz., 36 pk.)
Snack Pack Pudding® Variety Pack is the perfect solution for break time, lunch time and snack time. These delicious single-serving pudding cups will help satisfy your sweet tooth.If you are looking for a delicious snack to add to your child's lunch box, these handy little pudding cups will do the trick. They provide a good amount of calcium and contain no trans fats for a great alternative to high sugar, high-fat snacks.
Τιμή лв 9.50
Utz Mini Twist Pretzels (60 oz.)
Enjoy serving after serving of crispy salted Utz® Mini Twist Pretzels, the perfect snack for any occasion. This bulk-sized jug is ideal for bustling households, workplace pantries, and school events—just pour pretzels into bowls and you're ready to go.
лв 9.25
Member's Mark Peanut Butter Filled Pretzels (44 oz.)
Crispy pretzels meet creamy peanut butter with Member's Mark™ Peanut Butter Filled Pretzels. This is the ultimate snack for tackling savory cravings while offering a duo of irresistible textures, perfect for every day nibbles as well as special occasions.
лв 9.25

Member's Mark Peanut Butter Filled Pretzels (44 oz.)
Crispy pretzels meet creamy peanut butter with Member's Mark™ Peanut Butter Filled Pretzels. This is the ultimate snack for tackling savory cravings while offering a duo of irresistible textures, perfect for every day nibbles as well as special occasions.
Τιμή лв 9.25
Utz Pub Mix (44 oz.)
When you're craving a snack, but ren't quite sure what you want, it might be time to grab this Utz® Pub Mix®. If you love a savory snack that has some nice crunch to it, this pub snack mix is a fantastic choice for you and the rest of the family. Let's look at just why you might want to consider this as your next snack choice.
лв 9.25

Utz Pub Mix (44 oz.)
When you're craving a snack, but ren't quite sure what you want, it might be time to grab this Utz® Pub Mix®. If you love a savory snack that has some nice crunch to it, this pub snack mix is a fantastic choice for you and the rest of the family. Let's look at just why you might want to consider this as your next snack choice.
Τιμή лв 9.25
Utz Country Store Pretzel Stix Barrel (55 oz.)
Few things hit the spot better than pretzel snacks. Try these tasty Utz® Country Store Pretzel Stix Barrel (55 oz.), and they could have a permanent home in your pantry.
лв 9.25
Utz Sourdough Special Pretzel Canister (3.25 lbs.)
Utz is now the biggest independent and privately owned snack brand in the United States. They produce an impressive volume of over 3.3 million pounds of snacks per week (about half of which are potato chips). They also operate over 900 company-owned delivery routes.
лв 9.25

Utz Sourdough Special Pretzel Canister (3.25 lbs.)
Utz is now the biggest independent and privately owned snack brand in the United States. They produce an impressive volume of over 3.3 million pounds of snacks per week (about half of which are potato chips). They also operate over 900 company-owned delivery routes.
Τιμή лв 9.25
Snack Factory Pretzel Crisps, Dark Chocolate Crunch (18 oz.)
Please the crowd with Snack Factory® Pretzel Crisps, Dark Chocolate Crunch (18 oz.). This large bag is a fantastic choice for friendly gatherings and more.
лв 9.25
Doritos Nacho Cheese Tortilla Chips (18.875 oz.)
There are icons in each category. In sports, you think of the players who made the largest impact in the game, in both scoring and winning championships. In clothes, you think of those ground-breaking designs that flooded the market. With cars, you think of those fast speed machines that are driven by celebrities. When it comes to chips, the icon is Doritos®. This massive bag of Doritos Nacho Cheese Tortilla Chips allows you to share one of the original flavors of the legendary chip brand.
лв 4.99

Doritos Nacho Cheese Tortilla Chips (18.875 oz.)
There are icons in each category. In sports, you think of the players who made the largest impact in the game, in both scoring and winning championships. In clothes, you think of those ground-breaking designs that flooded the market. With cars, you think of those fast speed machines that are driven by celebrities. When it comes to chips, the icon is Doritos®. This massive bag of Doritos Nacho Cheese Tortilla Chips allows you to share one of the original flavors of the legendary chip brand.
Τιμή лв 4.99
Sensible Portions Sea Salt Garden Veggie Straws (23.5 oz.)
Sensible Portions Sea Salt Garden Veggie Straws have the crispy crunch and taste-bud-tantalizing flavor you want in a snack, but without all of the artificial flavors and artificial preservatives that you don't. Our veggie straws are made with potatoes and vegetables grown in a sun-splashed garden, for a veggie-full snack that has 30% less fat than the leading brand of potato chips.
лв 6.99

Sensible Portions Sea Salt Garden Veggie Straws (23.5 oz.)
Sensible Portions Sea Salt Garden Veggie Straws have the crispy crunch and taste-bud-tantalizing flavor you want in a snack, but without all of the artificial flavors and artificial preservatives that you don't. Our veggie straws are made with potatoes and vegetables grown in a sun-splashed garden, for a veggie-full snack that has 30% less fat than the leading brand of potato chips.
Τιμή лв 6.99
Stacy's Pita Chips Simply Naked (28 oz.)
Stacy's® Pita Chips Simply Naked (28 oz.) provides offers exceptional value on a large supply of delicious, all-natural pita chips. Skip the fried, unhealthy snacks and snack on slow-baked, real pita bread chips. Offering 28 ounces of chips, this bag has an ample supply for the whole week.
лв 4.99

Stacy's Pita Chips Simply Naked (28 oz.)
Stacy's® Pita Chips Simply Naked (28 oz.) provides offers exceptional value on a large supply of delicious, all-natural pita chips. Skip the fried, unhealthy snacks and snack on slow-baked, real pita bread chips. Offering 28 ounces of chips, this bag has an ample supply for the whole week.
Τιμή лв 4.99
Tostitos Original Scoops Tortilla Chips (16.125 oz.)
Get together with friends or sit down with the family and enjoy a pack of Tostitos Original Scoops Tortilla Chips. They're crispy, crunchy corn chips and a tasty snack for you and your family.
лв 4.25
Ruffles Original Potato Chips (16.625 oz.)
With Ruffles® Original Potato Chips (16.625 oz.), you can enjoy an iconic snack almost anywhere. And since you have nearly a pound of chips in one bag, this is great for sharing with others.
лв 4.25
Lay's Classic Potato Chips (15.875 oz.)
Satisfy a craving for a crunchy, salty snack with a bag of Lay's® Classic Potato Chips. This pack of classic Lay's chips is made using simple ingredients. They have a crunchy, salty taste that can be enjoyed as a snack or an accompaniment to a meal. This 15.875 oz. pack of Lay's original chips is ideal for sharing with family and friends.
лв 4.99

Lay's Classic Potato Chips (15.875 oz.)
Satisfy a craving for a crunchy, salty snack with a bag of Lay's® Classic Potato Chips. This pack of classic Lay's chips is made using simple ingredients. They have a crunchy, salty taste that can be enjoyed as a snack or an accompaniment to a meal. This 15.875 oz. pack of Lay's original chips is ideal for sharing with family and friends.
Τιμή лв 4.99
Fritos Original Corn Snacks (19.125 oz.)
Eating chips can quickly get boring. Companies try to be innovative with their offerings by providing flavors that just don't make sense. Some brands claim to have their chips in lemon and lime flavor, only to disappoint once the first bite is taken. When it comes to the best chips, each bite should offer taste and crunchiness, and that can be had with this delicious bag of Fritos® Original Corn Snacks.
лв 4.50

Fritos Original Corn Snacks (19.125 oz.)
Eating chips can quickly get boring. Companies try to be innovative with their offerings by providing flavors that just don't make sense. Some brands claim to have their chips in lemon and lime flavor, only to disappoint once the first bite is taken. When it comes to the best chips, each bite should offer taste and crunchiness, and that can be had with this delicious bag of Fritos® Original Corn Snacks.
Τιμή лв 4.50
Wavy Potato Chips (16 oz.)
Wavy Potato Chips are used with fresh potatoes cut into wavy slices and cooked to delight any crowd. Perfect for entertaining your next party or simply enjoying for your next snack.
лв 3.50
Fritos Scoops Corn Snacks (19.125 oz.)
Make snack time enjoyable for everyone with Fritos® Scoops Corn Snacks. This large bag holds nearly 1 lb. of Fritos corn chips, which should be enough to share with multiple people at once. This selection is ideal for birthday celebrations, friendly get-togethers, office break rooms and more.
лв 4.50

Fritos Scoops Corn Snacks (19.125 oz.)
Make snack time enjoyable for everyone with Fritos® Scoops Corn Snacks. This large bag holds nearly 1 lb. of Fritos corn chips, which should be enough to share with multiple people at once. This selection is ideal for birthday celebrations, friendly get-togethers, office break rooms and more.
Τιμή лв 4.50
WildRoots Red Quinoa Chia Chips (16 oz.)
Crunchy and savory WildRoots® Red Quinoa Chia Chips (16 oz.) make healthy snacking delicious. These may look like your typical tortilla chip, but they're made with a wholesome blend of red quinoa, chia seeds, flax seeds and seasonings to satisfy cravings in each bite.
лв 5.99

WildRoots Red Quinoa Chia Chips (16 oz.)
Crunchy and savory WildRoots® Red Quinoa Chia Chips (16 oz.) make healthy snacking delicious. These may look like your typical tortilla chip, but they're made with a wholesome blend of red quinoa, chia seeds, flax seeds and seasonings to satisfy cravings in each bite.
Τιμή лв 5.99
Utz Cheese Balls (35 oz.)
Utz Cheese Balls allow you to enjoy a cheesy, crunchy, light, and fluffy snack anytime you wish. These cheese balls are made from original cheese for a real, authentic taste. Simply pop a handful into your mouth whenever a craving for a salty snack hits. This pack is large enough to last a long time and can be shared with family and friends.
лв 5.99

Utz Cheese Balls (35 oz.)
Utz Cheese Balls allow you to enjoy a cheesy, crunchy, light, and fluffy snack anytime you wish. These cheese balls are made from original cheese for a real, authentic taste. Simply pop a handful into your mouth whenever a craving for a salty snack hits. This pack is large enough to last a long time and can be shared with family and friends.
Τιμή лв 5.99
Ruffles Cheddar and Sour Cream Potato Chips (16.125 oz.)
Use this bag of Ruffles® Cheddar and Sour Cream Potato Chips to treat your coworkers, family members, friends or customers. This pack is excellent for parties, barbecues, friendly gatherings and movie theaters.
лв 4.25
Lay's Barbecue Potato Chips (15.5 oz.)
Enjoy the smoky, refreshing flavor of Lay's® Barbecue Potato Chips (15.5 oz.). With a twist on the classic, salty flavor of Lay's Potato Chips, Lay's Barbecue Chips offer a classically authentic barbecue taste.
лв 4.50
Doritos Cool Ranch Tortilla Chips (18.875 oz.)
Combine bold flavor and crispy, crunchy textures with Doritos® Cool Ranch Tortilla Chips. With that combination, you've got yourself a totally delicious snack.
лв 4.25
YoCrunch Yogurt Variety Pack (6 oz., 18 ct.)
YoCrunch® Yogurt Variety Pack is a widely popular product that has two of the best-loved flavors offered by YoCrunch, namely Oreo® and M&M®. These delicious yogurt snacks are precisely where delicious, smooth yogurt is melded with tasty and fun toppings so that each bite is sweetly satisfying.
лв 12.99

YoCrunch Yogurt Variety Pack (6 oz., 18 ct.)
YoCrunch® Yogurt Variety Pack is a widely popular product that has two of the best-loved flavors offered by YoCrunch, namely Oreo® and M&M®. These delicious yogurt snacks are precisely where delicious, smooth yogurt is melded with tasty and fun toppings so that each bite is sweetly satisfying.

Τιμή лв 12.99
Yoplait Go-Gurt Low Fat Yogurt Variety Pack Strawberry and Berry Flavors (32 ct.)
Portable, flavorful and oh-so-delicious! Yoplait Go-Gurt is a slurpable fun snack that’s as delicious as it is convenient. The first-ever yogurt in a tube, this kids’ snack is made with the good stuff moms love—and none of the stuff they don’t. Yoplait low-fat yogurt is made with zero high fructose corn syrup, and it contains no flavors or colors from artificial sources.
лв 8.99

Yoplait Go-Gurt Low Fat Yogurt Variety Pack Strawberry and Berry Flavors (32 ct.)
Portable, flavorful and oh-so-delicious! Yoplait Go-Gurt is a slurpable fun snack that’s as delicious as it is convenient. The first-ever yogurt in a tube, this kids’ snack is made with the good stuff moms love—and none of the stuff they don’t. Yoplait low-fat yogurt is made with zero high fructose corn syrup, and it contains no flavors or colors from artificial sources.
Τιμή лв 8.99
Yoplait Original Strawberry, Mountain Berry, Harvest Peach Yogurt Variety Pack (6 oz., 18 pk.)
Mix up your plain yogurt routine with three smooth and creamy Yoplait Original Yogurt flavors. This variety pack featuring 18 yogurt cups contains six Strawberry Yogurt, six Mountain Blueberry Yogurt, and six Harvest Peach Yogurt flavors.
лв 9.99

Yoplait Original Strawberry, Mountain Berry, Harvest Peach Yogurt Variety Pack (6 oz., 18 pk.)
Mix up your plain yogurt routine with three smooth and creamy Yoplait Original Yogurt flavors. This variety pack featuring 18 yogurt cups contains six Strawberry Yogurt, six Mountain Blueberry Yogurt, and six Harvest Peach Yogurt flavors.
Τιμή лв 9.99
Chobani Greek Yogurt Variety Pack (16 ct.)
The Chobani® Greek Yogurt Variety Pack is great for those who are looking for a tasty and healthier snack.
лв 14.99
Tyson Chicken Nuggets, Frozen (5 lbs.)
Tyson® Chicken Nuggets (5 lbs.) are made with fully cooked white meat, so these nuggets are a delicious, flavorful essential in any household.
лв 13.99
Member's Mark Ready to Cook Chicken Wings, Frozen (10 lbs.)
Members Mark All Natural Chicken Wings can go from frozen to the grill or oven in minutes. Frozen individually and ice glazed, they come packed in a resealable bag for extended freshness. These juicy and tender wings pair perfectly with your favorite dry rub, spice blends or dipping sauces. Be it game day, picnic, outdoor barberque or a family gathering, it's the perfect appetizer that's ready to cook, requires minimum effort and is oh-so-delicious!
лв 23.98

Member's Mark Ready to Cook Chicken Wings, Frozen (10 lbs.)
Members Mark All Natural Chicken Wings can go from frozen to the grill or oven in minutes. Frozen individually and ice glazed, they come packed in a resealable bag for extended freshness. These juicy and tender wings pair perfectly with your favorite dry rub, spice blends or dipping sauces. Be it game day, picnic, outdoor barberque or a family gathering, it's the perfect appetizer that's ready to cook, requires minimum effort and is oh-so-delicious!
Τιμή лв 23.98
Member's Mark Breaded Mozzarella Sticks, Frozen (72 ct.)
Treat yourself and guests to a quick delicious snack with Member's Mark Breaded Mozzarella Sticks. The pack includes 72 breaded mozzarella sticks made with low moisture part skim mozzarella cheese, wheat flour breading, and milk. The sticks do not contain artificial flavors or colors. Dipping sauce is not included.
лв 15.66

Member's Mark Breaded Mozzarella Sticks, Frozen (72 ct.)
Treat yourself and guests to a quick delicious snack with Member's Mark Breaded Mozzarella Sticks. The pack includes 72 breaded mozzarella sticks made with low moisture part skim mozzarella cheese, wheat flour breading, and milk. The sticks do not contain artificial flavors or colors. Dipping sauce is not included.
Τιμή лв 15.66
Minh Pork Egg Rolls, Frozen (16 ct.)
Minh Pork Egg Rolls are made with tender pork, the perfect blend of seasonings, freshly chopped cabbage, carrots and celery, and crisply wrappers. They're perfect to serve as an appetizer for your family or as a main entree for lunch!
лв 9.69
Southern Style Waffle Fries, Frozen (4 lbs.)
Southern Style Waffle Fries are made with Grade A potatoes. Prepare them in under 30 minutes in the oven, or in under 15 minutes in the air fryer. This four pound bag provides approximately 21 one-cup servings. Delicious served with chicken or burgers as a side, or enjoyed alone or with a topping of melted cheese.
лв 6.97

Southern Style Waffle Fries, Frozen (4 lbs.)
Southern Style Waffle Fries are made with Grade A potatoes. Prepare them in under 30 minutes in the oven, or in under 15 minutes in the air fryer. This four pound bag provides approximately 21 one-cup servings. Delicious served with chicken or burgers as a side, or enjoyed alone or with a topping of melted cheese.
Τιμή лв 6.97
Tyson Buffalo Style Hot Wings (5 lbs.)
Tyson® Buffalo Style Hot Wings make a hearty and flavorful snack or part of a meal. They can help you enjoy a Monday night football game or be the star appetizer at a gathering of family and friends. These Tyson hot wings are made using the classic bone-in style and are topped with a buttery and spicy buffalo sauce to make snack time even more exciting.
лв 16.98

Tyson Buffalo Style Hot Wings (5 lbs.)
Tyson® Buffalo Style Hot Wings make a hearty and flavorful snack or part of a meal. They can help you enjoy a Monday night football game or be the star appetizer at a gathering of family and friends. These Tyson hot wings are made using the classic bone-in style and are topped with a buttery and spicy buffalo sauce to make snack time even more exciting.
Τιμή лв 16.98
Ajinomoto Vegetable Chow Mein, Frozen (9 oz. per pack, 6 packs)
Discover why Ajinomoto is among Japan's most-recognized food brands with Ajinomoto Vegetable Chow Mein. Over a century-long heritage and history of quality and innovation allows Ajinomoto Windsor to bring the essence of Ajinomoto's good taste to the USA.
лв 16.28

Ajinomoto Vegetable Chow Mein, Frozen (9 oz. per pack, 6 packs)
Discover why Ajinomoto is among Japan's most-recognized food brands with Ajinomoto Vegetable Chow Mein. Over a century-long heritage and history of quality and innovation allows Ajinomoto Windsor to bring the essence of Ajinomoto's good taste to the USA.
Τιμή лв 16.28
Tyson Honey BBQ Boneless Chicken Bites, Frozen (3.5 lbs.)
Tyson® Honey BBQ Boneless Chicken Bites (3.5 lbs.) keeps the whole family satisfied with delicious and Tyson Honey BBQ Chicken in each convenient, boneless morsel. With a rich smoke flavor penetrating each bite of hormone-free chicken, it’s a delicious and easy meal requiring minimal preparation.
лв 16.50

Tyson Honey BBQ Boneless Chicken Bites, Frozen (3.5 lbs.)
Tyson® Honey BBQ Boneless Chicken Bites (3.5 lbs.) keeps the whole family satisfied with delicious and Tyson Honey BBQ Chicken in each convenient, boneless morsel. With a rich smoke flavor penetrating each bite of hormone-free chicken, it’s a delicious and easy meal requiring minimal preparation.
Τιμή лв 16.50
Willow Brook Oven Roasted Wings (64 oz.)
Fully cooked chicken wing sections coated with a rotisserie seasoning.
лв 24.99
Ajinomoto Chicken Potstickers, Frozen (60 dumplings)
With these Ajinomoto Chicken Potstickers, you can discover why this is one of the most popular brands in all of Japan. The company has over 100 years of history when it comes to quality and innovation in the food industry. Now you can enjoy the pleasure of Japanese cuisine in the comfort of your own home.
лв 13.98

Ajinomoto Chicken Potstickers, Frozen (60 dumplings)
With these Ajinomoto Chicken Potstickers, you can discover why this is one of the most popular brands in all of Japan. The company has over 100 years of history when it comes to quality and innovation in the food industry. Now you can enjoy the pleasure of Japanese cuisine in the comfort of your own home.
Τιμή лв 13.98
SeaPak Dynamite Shrimp (2 lbs.)
SeaPak Shrimp & Seafood Company, located on a beautiful barrier island off the coast of Georgia, has been using coastal secrets to make great-tasting, restaurant-style shrimp and seafood for more than 60 years. The Dynamite Shrimp takes fresh shrimp, adds crunchy coating and pairs them with a creamy, spicy chili sauce for dipping. They make for a fun appetizer or delicious side dish.
лв 14.99

SeaPak Dynamite Shrimp (2 lbs.)
SeaPak Shrimp & Seafood Company, located on a beautiful barrier island off the coast of Georgia, has been using coastal secrets to make great-tasting, restaurant-style shrimp and seafood for more than 60 years. The Dynamite Shrimp takes fresh shrimp, adds crunchy coating and pairs them with a creamy, spicy chili sauce for dipping. They make for a fun appetizer or delicious side dish.
Τιμή лв 14.99
3/8" Straight Cut French Fries, Frozen (30 lbs.)
There's nothing more classic than the straight cut French fry. Member's Mark's version is made with Grade A potatoes and are perfectly cut to size with a 3/8" thickness. These straight cut fries are a customer favorite and will add value to any menu. Straight cut French fries go well with burgers, hot dogs, and other meals. Simply drop them in a fryer and serve them piping hot—customers won't be able to resist ordering more.
лв 25.50

3/8" Straight Cut French Fries, Frozen (30 lbs.)
There's nothing more classic than the straight cut French fry. Member's Mark's version is made with Grade A potatoes and are perfectly cut to size with a 3/8" thickness. These straight cut fries are a customer favorite and will add value to any menu. Straight cut French fries go well with burgers, hot dogs, and other meals. Simply drop them in a fryer and serve them piping hot—customers won't be able to resist ordering more.
Τιμή лв 25.50
1/2" Crinkle Cut French Fries, Frozen (30 lbs.)
brings you a fry favorite, the crinkle cut. Beloved my many but not seen on many menus, these crinkle cut fries will be a hit with your customers. Made with Grade A potatoes, these fries cook up fast in a fryer and make a simple but oustanding side dish to any burger, hot dog, or entree.
лв 25.50

1/2" Crinkle Cut French Fries, Frozen (30 lbs.)
brings you a fry favorite, the crinkle cut. Beloved my many but not seen on many menus, these crinkle cut fries will be a hit with your customers. Made with Grade A potatoes, these fries cook up fast in a fryer and make a simple but oustanding side dish to any burger, hot dog, or entree.
Τιμή лв 25.50
Кафе, чай и какао
Starbucks Pike Place Medium Roast Ground Coffee (40 oz.)
Starbucks® Pike Place Medium Roast Ground Coffee (40 oz.) is named after to iconic brand's first store in Seattle's Pike Place Market. This smooth bodied blend has subtle cocoa and toast nut flavors and is brewed fresh daily in Starbucks stores across the country. Now, you can enjoy Starbucks Pike Place Roast at home with this 40-ounce bag of ground coffee.
лв 22.99

Starbucks Pike Place Medium Roast Ground Coffee (40 oz.)
Starbucks® Pike Place Medium Roast Ground Coffee (40 oz.) is named after to iconic brand's first store in Seattle's Pike Place Market. This smooth bodied blend has subtle cocoa and toast nut flavors and is brewed fresh daily in Starbucks stores across the country. Now, you can enjoy Starbucks Pike Place Roast at home with this 40-ounce bag of ground coffee.
Τιμή лв 22.99
Starbucks House Blend Whole Bean Coffee (40 oz.)
Starbucks® House Blend Whole Bean Coffee (40 oz.) may seem like a simple coffee, but it has sophisticated flavor layers that may just surprise you. When tasting this coffee, you may notice hints of cocoa and nuts, with a bit of sweetness from the roasting process. The beans that are used originate in Latin America and are roasted to a dark chestnut color. Located just between a dark and a blonde roast, this is a coffee that nearly anyone can enjoy.
лв 22.50

Starbucks House Blend Whole Bean Coffee (40 oz.)
Starbucks® House Blend Whole Bean Coffee (40 oz.) may seem like a simple coffee, but it has sophisticated flavor layers that may just surprise you. When tasting this coffee, you may notice hints of cocoa and nuts, with a bit of sweetness from the roasting process. The beans that are used originate in Latin America and are roasted to a dark chestnut color. Located just between a dark and a blonde roast, this is a coffee that nearly anyone can enjoy.
Τιμή лв 22.50
Starbucks Dark French Roast Ground Coffee (40 oz.)
Starbucks Dark French Roast Ground Coffee (40 oz.) is a delicious, aromatic blend that is made for coffee-lovers everywhere. Its rich taste offers a light body and low acidity, which is what makes it a great coffee to start every morning thanks to its intense and smoky flavor.
лв 21.99

Starbucks Dark French Roast Ground Coffee (40 oz.)
Starbucks Dark French Roast Ground Coffee (40 oz.) is a delicious, aromatic blend that is made for coffee-lovers everywhere. Its rich taste offers a light body and low acidity, which is what makes it a great coffee to start every morning thanks to its intense and smoky flavor.
Τιμή лв 21.99
4 of Cafe Bustelo Ground Coffee (10 oz., 4 pk.)
Savor cup after cup of rich and fragrant Café Bustelo® Ground Coffee (10 oz., 4 pk.). This distinct coffee has its roots in bold Latin roasts, with an espresso-style coffee that is a perfect way to wake up in the morning and to enjoy a lift at midday.
лв 12.99

4 of Cafe Bustelo Ground Coffee (10 oz., 4 pk.)
Savor cup after cup of rich and fragrant Café Bustelo® Ground Coffee (10 oz., 4 pk.). This distinct coffee has its roots in bold Latin roasts, with an espresso-style coffee that is a perfect way to wake up in the morning and to enjoy a lift at midday.
Τιμή лв 12.99
McCafe Premium Roast K-Cup Coffee Pods (100 ct.)
Launch your day with a refreshing brew of McCafe® Premium Roast Coffee (100 K-Cups). It delivers a flavorful cup in minutes. Designed for use with Keurig® K-Cup® brewers, it offers a smooth, balanced flavor with every sip.
лв 49.99
Organic Dark Roast Coffee (100 single-serve cups)
You love a great cup of coffee and you care about your health and the environment. We understand. That's why there's Member's Mark™ Organic Dark Roast Coffee. This rich, dark coffee is made from 100% Arabica beans, imported from The Republic of Columbia.
лв 44.00

Organic Dark Roast Coffee (100 single-serve cups)
You love a great cup of coffee and you care about your health and the environment. We understand. That's why there's Member's Mark™ Organic Dark Roast Coffee. This rich, dark coffee is made from 100% Arabica beans, imported from The Republic of Columbia.
Τιμή лв 44.00
Starbucks Pike Place K-Cups (72 ct.)
Starbucks® Pike Place K-Cups (72 ct.) offer a smooth mouthfeel and unique flavor that is one of the favorites of fans of the brand. This coffee has a medium roast, which makes it a balanced and smooth beverage every time you drink a cup. In K-Cup form, you can make a cup in an instant any time you get the craving for a caffeine boost.
лв 49.00

Starbucks Pike Place K-Cups (72 ct.)
Starbucks® Pike Place K-Cups (72 ct.) offer a smooth mouthfeel and unique flavor that is one of the favorites of fans of the brand. This coffee has a medium roast, which makes it a balanced and smooth beverage every time you drink a cup. In K-Cup form, you can make a cup in an instant any time you get the craving for a caffeine boost.
Τιμή лв 49.00
Starbucks Single-Origin Sumatra Coffee K-Cups (72 ct.)
With the Starbucks® Sumatra Coffee (72 K-Cups), you'll have plenty of coffee to start your morning off right for weeks. The coffee is just like the tigers that are native to Sumatra, bold, big and captivating. Each cup will create a fantastic cup of coffee in only minutes, leaving you to get started with taking on the day ahead!
лв 49.99

Starbucks Single-Origin Sumatra Coffee K-Cups (72 ct.)
With the Starbucks® Sumatra Coffee (72 K-Cups), you'll have plenty of coffee to start your morning off right for weeks. The coffee is just like the tigers that are native to Sumatra, bold, big and captivating. Each cup will create a fantastic cup of coffee in only minutes, leaving you to get started with taking on the day ahead!
Τιμή лв 49.99
The Original Donut Shop Regular Coffee K-Cup Pods (100 ct.)
Before coffee was complicated, great coffee was simply fresh, bold, and flavorful. The Original Donut Shop Regular single serve K-Cup pods bring back the classic donut companion, with this ideally balanced brew of the highest quality beans...dunking is encouraged. Full-flavored and easy going, this medium roast blend embodies one of the best things in life - simply great coffee.
лв 55.00

The Original Donut Shop Regular Coffee K-Cup Pods (100 ct.)
Before coffee was complicated, great coffee was simply fresh, bold, and flavorful. The Original Donut Shop Regular single serve K-Cup pods bring back the classic donut companion, with this ideally balanced brew of the highest quality beans...dunking is encouraged. Full-flavored and easy going, this medium roast blend embodies one of the best things in life - simply great coffee.
Τιμή лв 55.00
Coffee-mate Powder Original (56 oz.)
Put America's #1 coffee creamer next to your favorite mug with Coffee-mate Powder Original (56 oz). This non-dairy coffee creamer lasts longer than the liquid version and is a great addition to any coffee station at home or the office.
лв 8.88
Decaffeinated Colombian Coffee (80 single-serve cups)
You love the smooth, rich aroma and full flavor of 100% Columbian coffee but you just don't want all of that caffeine. With Member's Mark™ Decaffeinated Colombian Coffee, you get the best of both worlds, a well-balanced taste and medium body in a caffeine-free coffee that's perfect for any time of the day.
лв 39.99

Decaffeinated Colombian Coffee (80 single-serve cups)
You love the smooth, rich aroma and full flavor of 100% Columbian coffee but you just don't want all of that caffeine. With Member's Mark™ Decaffeinated Colombian Coffee, you get the best of both worlds, a well-balanced taste and medium body in a caffeine-free coffee that's perfect for any time of the day.
Τιμή лв 39.99
Pablo's Pride Gourmet Coffee, Whole Bean, Guatemala (2 lb.)
Pablo's Pride® Gourmet Coffee, Whole Bean, Guatemala (2 lb.) is a unique blend featuring a rich and lively aroma, velvety body, low acidity and a sweet, pleasant aftertaste.
лв 12.99
2 of 10.5 Oz. Nescafe Clasico Instant Coffee
Nescafe® Clasico™ Instant Coffee (10.5 oz., 2 ct) is a delicious way to enjoy your favorite coffee.
лв 16.50
NESCAFE Taster's Choice Instant Coffee, House Blend (14 oz.)
Savor the rich flavor of NESCAFE® Taster's Choice Instant Coffee House Blend (14 oz.) With Taster’s Choice, you can make a delicious brew in mere minutes. Enjoy a cup with your breakfast to get your day off to a great start.
лв 15.99
Eight O'Clock Whole Bean Colombian Coffee, Medium Roast (40 oz.)
Eight O'Clock® Coffee has been in business for over 150 years and they've learned a thing or two about making excellent whole bean coffee. That’s why so many discerning coffee drinkers enjoy Eight O'Clock Whole Bean Colombian Coffee, Medium Roast (40 oz.), sourced from 100% Columbian beans that have been given the Rainforest Alliance Seal of Approval. Grown at high altitudes in rich, volcanic Columbian soil, these medium-roasted beans have notes of wine and a full-bodied finish.
лв 15.50

Eight O'Clock Whole Bean Colombian Coffee, Medium Roast (40 oz.)
Eight O'Clock® Coffee has been in business for over 150 years and they've learned a thing or two about making excellent whole bean coffee. That’s why so many discerning coffee drinkers enjoy Eight O'Clock Whole Bean Colombian Coffee, Medium Roast (40 oz.), sourced from 100% Columbian beans that have been given the Rainforest Alliance Seal of Approval. Grown at high altitudes in rich, volcanic Columbian soil, these medium-roasted beans have notes of wine and a full-bodied finish.
Τιμή лв 15.50
Eight O'Clock Original Ground Coffee, Medium Roast (42 oz.)
Eight O'Clock® Original Ground Coffee, Medium Roast (42 oz.) offers great taste and uncompromised quality. These expert coffee makers use only high-quality, 100% Arabica beans and expertly roast them to bring out a smooth taste, rich aroma, and full flavor. Eight O'Clock coffee is the original premium bagged coffee brand since 1859.
лв 15.50

Eight O'Clock Original Ground Coffee, Medium Roast (42 oz.)
Eight O'Clock® Original Ground Coffee, Medium Roast (42 oz.) offers great taste and uncompromised quality. These expert coffee makers use only high-quality, 100% Arabica beans and expertly roast them to bring out a smooth taste, rich aroma, and full flavor. Eight O'Clock coffee is the original premium bagged coffee brand since 1859.
Τιμή лв 15.50
Brew Rite Coffee Filter (8-12 Cups, 700ct.)
Keep your cupboard stocked with Brew Rite® Coffee Filters and never miss the chance to enjoy a delicious cup of fresh-brewed filter coffee.
лв 4.99
Swiss Miss Milk Chocolate Hot Cocoa Mix Canister (76.5 oz.)
With Swiss Miss® Milk Chocolate Hot Cocoa Mix Canister (76.5 oz.) you can make a warm, creamy beverage any time.
лв 10.19
Nestle Coffee-mate Liquid Creamer Pump, French Vanilla (1.5 L)
Nestle's Coffee-mate creamer is recognizable everywhere, and people love it for its rich flavor and thick consistency. Now with an easy-to-use pump!
лв 14.50
Nestle Coffee-mate Liquid Creamer Pump, Hazelnut (1.5 L)
Coffee-mate non-dairy coffee creamer is now available in a convenient, easy-to-use pump dispenser that eliminates mess, whether at the office coffee machine or your home kitchen. One concentrated pump gives you the same amount of delicious coffee creamer as one liquid creamer single. Make every cup of coffee you drink extra delicious with one simple press.
лв 13.50

Nestle Coffee-mate Liquid Creamer Pump, Hazelnut (1.5 L)
Coffee-mate non-dairy coffee creamer is now available in a convenient, easy-to-use pump dispenser that eliminates mess, whether at the office coffee machine or your home kitchen. One concentrated pump gives you the same amount of delicious coffee creamer as one liquid creamer single. Make every cup of coffee you drink extra delicious with one simple press.
Τιμή лв 13.50
Coffee-mate French Vanilla Liquid Coffee Creamer (64 oz.)
Deliciously creamy, with classic vanilla taste that's perfect anytime. Its rich, smooth flavor makes it the ideal cup to share with your perfect mate or enjoy all to yourself. Policies & plans: Specifications | Kosher | Shake before us | Do not freeze | Keep refrigerated | For best quality, use within 14 days of opening
лв 7.24

Coffee-mate French Vanilla Liquid Coffee Creamer (64 oz.)
Deliciously creamy, with classic vanilla taste that's perfect anytime. Its rich, smooth flavor makes it the ideal cup to share with your perfect mate or enjoy all to yourself. Policies & plans: Specifications | Kosher | Shake before us | Do not freeze | Keep refrigerated | For best quality, use within 14 days of opening
Τιμή лв 7.24
Lipton Tea Bags (312 ct.)
Lipton™ Tea Bags (312 ct.) are America's Favorite Tea. This 100% natural product can be served hot or cold for a delicious and refreshing beverage you can enjoy at any time.
лв 12.50
Lipton Decaffeinated Tea Bags (144 ct.)
Lipton® Decaffeinated Tea Bags (144 ct.) are made from real tea leaves.
лв 10.50
Bigelow Organic Green Tea (11.99 oz., 176 ct.)
Bigelow Green Tea is pretty simple. It's Green Tea. What makes ours so special is that we use only hand-picked tea from the finest gardens in China and then gently process it, bringing out that natural flavor that people have been enjoying for centuries. Our tea is not harsh, and not too grassy, but smooth and very delicate. It's easy to drink and enjoy the whole cup.
лв 11.99

Bigelow Organic Green Tea (11.99 oz., 176 ct.)
Bigelow Green Tea is pretty simple. It's Green Tea. What makes ours so special is that we use only hand-picked tea from the finest gardens in China and then gently process it, bringing out that natural flavor that people have been enjoying for centuries. Our tea is not harsh, and not too grassy, but smooth and very delicate. It's easy to drink and enjoy the whole cup.
Τιμή лв 11.99
steep by Bigelow Lemon Ginger Herbal Tea ( 60 ct.)
Bigelow crafted this blend of organic spicy ginger root and zesty citrus flavors to create an infusion that invigorates the palate and pleases the senses. Steep this powerfully flavorful cup and enjoy.
лв 11.00
Celestial Seasonings Sleepytime Extra Tea (80 ct.)
Sleepytime Extra Herb Tea, a comforting blend of chamomile and spearmint, creates a lullaby of tender flavor to soothe your senses. This 100% natural, gentle cup of hot tea lets you curl up under a quilt of flavor and quiet the tensions of your world. The part of your day shared with Sleepytime Extra is like coming home to find a friend waiting for you by the fire.
лв 10.99

Celestial Seasonings Sleepytime Extra Tea (80 ct.)
Sleepytime Extra Herb Tea, a comforting blend of chamomile and spearmint, creates a lullaby of tender flavor to soothe your senses. This 100% natural, gentle cup of hot tea lets you curl up under a quilt of flavor and quiet the tensions of your world. The part of your day shared with Sleepytime Extra is like coming home to find a friend waiting for you by the fire.
Τιμή лв 10.99
Почистващи средства
Windex Original Glass Cleaner (128 oz. refill + 32 oz. trigger)
Enjoy America's favorite glass cleaner in a convenient bulk packaging with Windex® Original Glass Cleaner (128 oz. refill + 32 oz. trigger). This pack includes a classic Windex spray bottle and a large refill jug to provide you with a seemingly-endless arsenal of glass cleansing power.
лв 12.99

Windex Original Glass Cleaner (128 oz. refill + 32 oz. trigger)
Enjoy America's favorite glass cleaner in a convenient bulk packaging with Windex® Original Glass Cleaner (128 oz. refill + 32 oz. trigger). This pack includes a classic Windex spray bottle and a large refill jug to provide you with a seemingly-endless arsenal of glass cleansing power.
Τιμή лв 12.99
Sprayway Glass Cleaner (19 oz., 4pk.)
Sprayway® Glass Cleaner (19oz., 4pk.) offers the ultimate cleaning action for all sorts of glass surfaces. This package of spray away cleaner comes with four cans of cleaner, so you can leave one at home, one in the office and one in the garage. These 19 oz. cans are the perfect size for easy storage and often outlast larger trigger sprayers to offer a financially friendly cleaner option.
лв 10.99

Sprayway Glass Cleaner (19 oz., 4pk.)
Sprayway® Glass Cleaner (19oz., 4pk.) offers the ultimate cleaning action for all sorts of glass surfaces. This package of spray away cleaner comes with four cans of cleaner, so you can leave one at home, one in the office and one in the garage. These 19 oz. cans are the perfect size for easy storage and often outlast larger trigger sprayers to offer a financially friendly cleaner option.
Τιμή лв 10.99
Dawn Professional Dish Detergent - Original Scent
Remove stuck-on, greasy food from utensils, pots and pans using Dawn® Professional Dish Detergent. It's highly concentrated and specially formulated to get the job done. This dish detergent can even be diluted to make an all-purpose cleaning solution.
лв 15.99

Dawn Professional Dish Detergent - Original Scent
Remove stuck-on, greasy food from utensils, pots and pans using Dawn® Professional Dish Detergent. It's highly concentrated and specially formulated to get the job done. This dish detergent can even be diluted to make an all-purpose cleaning solution.
Τιμή лв 15.99
Simple Green All-Purpose Cleaner (172oz.)
Keep your home clean with Simple Green All-Purpose Cleaner. It's an economical and environment-friendly degreasing and cleaning solution that's safe to use around the house for various cleaning needs. Simple Green cleaner has a safe and natural formula that won't harm your family or pets. You can use it just about everywhere for removing tough grime and dirt. Simple Green all-purpose cleaning liquid comes in a 172 oz bottle for long-lasting use.
лв 11.99

Simple Green All-Purpose Cleaner (172oz.)
Keep your home clean with Simple Green All-Purpose Cleaner. It's an economical and environment-friendly degreasing and cleaning solution that's safe to use around the house for various cleaning needs. Simple Green cleaner has a safe and natural formula that won't harm your family or pets. You can use it just about everywhere for removing tough grime and dirt. Simple Green all-purpose cleaning liquid comes in a 172 oz bottle for long-lasting use.
Τιμή лв 11.99
Antibacterial Hand Soap by Ecolab (1 gal.)
Antibacterial Hand Soap by Ecolab is perfect for public restrooms in office and government buildings. A gallon container, it is a good value for your business. Able to kill infections, it is also suitable for restaurants, bars, daycare centers and medical clinics.
лв 11.99

Antibacterial Hand Soap by Ecolab (1 gal.)
Antibacterial Hand Soap by Ecolab is perfect for public restrooms in office and government buildings. A gallon container, it is a good value for your business. Able to kill infections, it is also suitable for restaurants, bars, daycare centers and medical clinics.
Τιμή лв 11.99
Oven, Grill and Fryer Cleaner by Ecolab (32 oz., 3 pk.)
Powerful, fast, and capable of reducing the time and effort spent maintaining restaurant kitchen equipment, the Oven, Grill and Fryer Cleaner by Ecolab (32 oz. 3 pk.) makes kitchen cleanup a snap.
лв 11.99
Commercial Heavy-Duty Degreaser (1 gal.)
Commercial Heavy-Duty Degreaser (1 gal) has been carefully formulated and thoroughly tested so that it is the ideal solution for some of the toughest jobs. This premium commercial kitchen degreaser features top-of-the-line performance that dissolves grease quickly and aggressively attacks soil the moment it comes in contact with. This helps to ensure that you and your employees have to work less to get your kitchen and tools clean and ready for work.
лв 9.99

Commercial Heavy-Duty Degreaser (1 gal.)
Commercial Heavy-Duty Degreaser (1 gal) has been carefully formulated and thoroughly tested so that it is the ideal solution for some of the toughest jobs. This premium commercial kitchen degreaser features top-of-the-line performance that dissolves grease quickly and aggressively attacks soil the moment it comes in contact with. This helps to ensure that you and your employees have to work less to get your kitchen and tools clean and ready for work.
Τιμή лв 9.99
Weiman Stainless Steel Cleaner & Polish (17oz.,3pk.)
Keep your Stainless Steel appliances and surfaces looking flawless with Weiman® Stainless Steel Cleaner and Polish.
лв 14.99
Charmin Ultra Soft Toilet Paper 36 Super Roll, Bath Tissue, 208 sheets per roll
For irresistible cushiony softness that is twice as absorbent, Charmin® Ultra Soft™ toilet paper is the ultimate indulgence. It's offered in a convenient 36-roll pack. It is also clog-safe and septic-safe.
лв 26.99
Charmin Ultra Strong Toilet Paper 24 Mega Plus Roll, Bath Tissue, 330 Sheets Per Roll
Charmin Ultra Strong is woven like a washcloth and just cleans better than the leading USA 1-ply bargain brand, so you can be Charmin clean and proud of it. It’s 4X stronger* and you can use less versus the leading USA 1-ply bargain brand.When you buy Charmin Ultra Strong Mega Plus Roll toilet paper, you get a big, long-lasting roll because one Charmin Mega Plus Roll equals 4+ Regular Rolls**.
лв 28.00

Charmin Ultra Strong Toilet Paper 24 Mega Plus Roll, Bath Tissue, 330 Sheets Per Roll
Charmin Ultra Strong is woven like a washcloth and just cleans better than the leading USA 1-ply bargain brand, so you can be Charmin clean and proud of it. It’s 4X stronger* and you can use less versus the leading USA 1-ply bargain brand.When you buy Charmin Ultra Strong Mega Plus Roll toilet paper, you get a big, long-lasting roll because one Charmin Mega Plus Roll equals 4+ Regular Rolls**.
Τιμή лв 28.00
Power Flex Tall Kitchen Drawstring Trash Bags (13 Gallon, 2 Rolls of 100 ct., 200 count total)
Power Flex Tall Kitchen Simple Fit Drawstring Bags (13 gal., 200 ct.). These tall kitchen garbage bags have a remarkably rugged build to accommodate all of your kitchen trash, with a fresh scent that tackles tough odors.
лв 18.99

Power Flex Tall Kitchen Drawstring Trash Bags (13 Gallon, 2 Rolls of 100 ct., 200 count total)
Power Flex Tall Kitchen Simple Fit Drawstring Bags (13 gal., 200 ct.). These tall kitchen garbage bags have a remarkably rugged build to accommodate all of your kitchen trash, with a fresh scent that tackles tough odors.
Τιμή лв 18.99
Bounty Select-A-Size Paper Towels, White (12 rolls)
Handle spills and messes with confidence with the Quicker Picker Upper*. These Bounty® Select-A-Size Paper Towels, White (12 rolls) package contains paper towel rolls that are two times more absorbent** and strong when wet. That way, when messes happen, you can get the job done quickly.
лв 22.99

Bounty Select-A-Size Paper Towels, White (12 rolls)
Handle spills and messes with confidence with the Quicker Picker Upper*. These Bounty® Select-A-Size Paper Towels, White (12 rolls) package contains paper towel rolls that are two times more absorbent** and strong when wet. That way, when messes happen, you can get the job done quickly.
Τιμή лв 22.99
33-Gallon Power-Guard Drawstring Trash Bags (90 ct.)
33-Gallon Power-Guard Drawstring Trash Bags are tough enough to handle any household chore. These extra-large trash bags have a drawstring top and are embossed for flexibility, making them ideal for a range of heavy-duty tasks.
лв 18.00
Ziploc Easy Open Tabs Freezer Gallon Bags (152 ct.)
Ziploc® Easy Open Tabs Freezer Gallon Bags (152 ct.) are a surefire way to keep freezer burn out while keeping freshness in. They are a shield against both the damage that is often done by freezers and the escape of that flavor you love so much.
лв 18.00

Ziploc Easy Open Tabs Freezer Gallon Bags (152 ct.)
Ziploc® Easy Open Tabs Freezer Gallon Bags (152 ct.) are a surefire way to keep freezer burn out while keeping freshness in. They are a shield against both the damage that is often done by freezers and the escape of that flavor you love so much.
Τιμή лв 18.00
Ziploc Easy Open Tabs Freezer Quart Bags (216 ct.)
Lock in the freshness with these Ziploc® Easy-Open Tabs Freezer Quart Bags. Use them for vegetables, soup and other perishables. Lightweight and a breeze to use, they feature an upgraded Fresh Shield™ design that's even tougher on the outside for trusted protection.
лв 16.99

Ziploc Easy Open Tabs Freezer Quart Bags (216 ct.)
Lock in the freshness with these Ziploc® Easy-Open Tabs Freezer Quart Bags. Use them for vegetables, soup and other perishables. Lightweight and a breeze to use, they feature an upgraded Fresh Shield™ design that's even tougher on the outside for trusted protection.
Τιμή лв 16.99
Reynolds Wrap 18" Heavy Duty Aluminum Foil, 150 sq. ft (2 ct.)
Reynolds Wrap 18" Heavy Duty Aluminum Foil, 150 sq. ft (2 ct.) is designed to give you that little extra strength you need from aluminum foil.
лв 19.99
Bounty Paper Towels, White, 12 Rolls = 30 Regular Rolls
Bounty® Paper Towels (12 Gigantic Rolls) give you the quick and easy solution for cleaning up spills all around the home, office or classroom. They're absorbent to quickly soak up spills and other messes, making cleaning easy for everyone.
лв 28.00

Bounty Paper Towels, White, 12 Rolls = 30 Regular Rolls
Bounty® Paper Towels (12 Gigantic Rolls) give you the quick and easy solution for cleaning up spills all around the home, office or classroom. They're absorbent to quickly soak up spills and other messes, making cleaning easy for everyone.
Τιμή лв 28.00
Ziploc Sandwich Bag (580 ct)
Easy Open Tabs make life easier for your food-packaging needs with the Ziploc® Sandwich Bag (580 ct).
лв 13.99
39 Gallon Power-Guard Drawstring Yard Trash Bags (90 ct.)
Yard work just got a lot easier. These tear- and leak-resistant bags are 75% stronger than leading national brands and feature a drawstring closure.
лв 19.99
Nestle Pure Life Purified Water (16.9oz / 35pk)
Nestle Pure Life Purified Water makes it easy for you and your family to increase your daily water intake. Packaged in 16.9-ounce bottles, it is convenient for the home, office or travel. Enhanced with a variety of minerals, Nestle Pure Life Purified Water is refreshing and tastes great.
лв 5.50

Nestle Pure Life Purified Water (16.9oz / 35pk)
Nestle Pure Life Purified Water makes it easy for you and your family to increase your daily water intake. Packaged in 16.9-ounce bottles, it is convenient for the home, office or travel. Enhanced with a variety of minerals, Nestle Pure Life Purified Water is refreshing and tastes great.
Τιμή лв 5.50
Fiji Natural Artesian Water (16.9oz / 24pk)
Fiji Natural Artesian Water is economically packaged smooth-tasting water that comes in BPA-free bottles that are conveniently sized to keep you hydrated when you're on the go. If you're looking for something truly exceptional in your drinking water, Fiji Natural Artesian Water is the right choice for you.
лв 23.50

Fiji Natural Artesian Water (16.9oz / 24pk)
Fiji Natural Artesian Water is economically packaged smooth-tasting water that comes in BPA-free bottles that are conveniently sized to keep you hydrated when you're on the go. If you're looking for something truly exceptional in your drinking water, Fiji Natural Artesian Water is the right choice for you.
Τιμή лв 23.50
Aquafina Purified Drinking Water (16.9oz / 32pk)
To stay healthy and feeling good, you have to drink plenty of water. Aquafina Purified Drinking Water comes in a case of 32 bottles of 16.9 oz each, making it easy to meet the recommended daily water intake. Simply grab a bottle while at home or on the go. Purified using a 7-step process, it provides a fresh and clean taste.
лв 4.99

Aquafina Purified Drinking Water (16.9oz / 32pk)
To stay healthy and feeling good, you have to drink plenty of water. Aquafina Purified Drinking Water comes in a case of 32 bottles of 16.9 oz each, making it easy to meet the recommended daily water intake. Simply grab a bottle while at home or on the go. Purified using a 7-step process, it provides a fresh and clean taste.
Τιμή лв 4.99
Nestle Splash Variety Pack (16.9oz / 32pk)
Nestle Pure Life Splash Variety Pack keeps you well-stocked with a delicious selection of healthy, natural bottled water. Though free from calories and sugars, these bottled waters are certainly not free form refreshment and great taste.
лв 9.50
S.Pellegrino Sparkling Natural Mineral Water (16.9oz / 24pk)
S.Pellegrino Sparkling Natural Mineral Water with its convenient size, makes it easy to indulge in the flavor and unique feel of San Pellegrino no matter where you are. For over a hundred years, San Pelligrino has been producing high-quality beverages designed to keep your mouth happy and body healthy. If you’re on the go and don’t have time to shop around for the right beverage, San Pelligrino is the perfect go-to solution.
лв 19.99

S.Pellegrino Sparkling Natural Mineral Water (16.9oz / 24pk)
S.Pellegrino Sparkling Natural Mineral Water with its convenient size, makes it easy to indulge in the flavor and unique feel of San Pellegrino no matter where you are. For over a hundred years, San Pelligrino has been producing high-quality beverages designed to keep your mouth happy and body healthy. If you’re on the go and don’t have time to shop around for the right beverage, San Pelligrino is the perfect go-to solution.
Τιμή лв 19.99
Hint Water Variety Pack (16oz / 15pk)
5 Watermelon, 5 Blackberry, 5 Pineapple.It's a water, just tastier. Drink fruit-infused water with 0 calories and 0 sweeteners. It's a refreshing and healthy alternative to juice, soda, and other sweetened drinks.Hint is changing consumer expectations for what goes into beverages. They're dedicated to helping people get healthier. No competitor creates that blend of healthfulness with exceptionally delightful taste that is free of sweeteners. 5 Watermelon, 5 Blackberry, 5 Pineapple
лв 15.50

Hint Water Variety Pack (16oz / 15pk)
5 Watermelon, 5 Blackberry, 5 Pineapple.It's a water, just tastier. Drink fruit-infused water with 0 calories and 0 sweeteners. It's a refreshing and healthy alternative to juice, soda, and other sweetened drinks.Hint is changing consumer expectations for what goes into beverages. They're dedicated to helping people get healthier. No competitor creates that blend of healthfulness with exceptionally delightful taste that is free of sweeteners. 5 Watermelon, 5 Blackberry, 5 Pineapple
Τιμή лв 15.50
Bai Antioxidant Cocofusions Variety Pack (18oz / 15pk)
Bai Antioxidant Cocofusions Variety Pack will refresh and rehydrate you any time of day. Formulated with healthy habits in mind, these drinks make it easy to stay low on sugars and carbs, while incorporating cell-supporting antioxidants and natural caffeine. If you're a coconut fanatic, you'll love these variations. Pair coconut with different tropical flavors to give you a refreshing drink with only five calories per serving!
лв 22.99

Bai Antioxidant Cocofusions Variety Pack (18oz / 15pk)
Bai Antioxidant Cocofusions Variety Pack will refresh and rehydrate you any time of day. Formulated with healthy habits in mind, these drinks make it easy to stay low on sugars and carbs, while incorporating cell-supporting antioxidants and natural caffeine. If you're a coconut fanatic, you'll love these variations. Pair coconut with different tropical flavors to give you a refreshing drink with only five calories per serving!
Τιμή лв 22.99
Perrier Sparkling Natural Mineral Water (11.15oz / 24pk)
Perrier Sparkling Natural Mineral Water is the perfect way to relax and enjoy a natural, guilt-free beverage for every occasion. Twenty four bottles will allow you to enjoy each Perrier glass bottle a different way. A worldwide, award-winning favorite for over 150 years, Perrier sparkling water is versatile, and naturally refreshing on its own or enjoyable as a base for a variety of beverages.
лв 18.50

Perrier Sparkling Natural Mineral Water (11.15oz / 24pk)
Perrier Sparkling Natural Mineral Water is the perfect way to relax and enjoy a natural, guilt-free beverage for every occasion. Twenty four bottles will allow you to enjoy each Perrier glass bottle a different way. A worldwide, award-winning favorite for over 150 years, Perrier sparkling water is versatile, and naturally refreshing on its own or enjoyable as a base for a variety of beverages.
Τιμή лв 18.50
Evian Natural Spring Water (1L / 12pk)
Experience pure refreshment that's over 50, 000 years in the making with Evian Natural Spring Water. Evian towers above other brands with a rich history and a pure taste that's nearly insurmountable. Few bottled waters are as pure or as packed with naturally-occurring electrolytes and minerals as Evian drinking water. Evian is bottled at the source, and is unprocessed and untouched by human hands for the ultimate purity and freshness.
лв 17.50

Evian Natural Spring Water (1L / 12pk)
Experience pure refreshment that's over 50, 000 years in the making with Evian Natural Spring Water. Evian towers above other brands with a rich history and a pure taste that's nearly insurmountable. Few bottled waters are as pure or as packed with naturally-occurring electrolytes and minerals as Evian drinking water. Evian is bottled at the source, and is unprocessed and untouched by human hands for the ultimate purity and freshness.
Τιμή лв 17.50
Coca-Cola (12oz / 35pk)
Offer those closest to you a classic drink with Coca-Cola. A large pack like this can help you serve a Coke can to the whole family.
лв 13.99
Sprite (12oz / 35pk)
Sprite is the #1 lemon-lime flavored soft drink in the world because it has a crisp, clean, refreshing taste that really quenches your thirst.
лв 13.99
A&W Root Beer (12oz / 24pk)
Drive-in movie theaters, calling soda "pop, " leather jackets and vinyl records playing your favorite music hits. Many people associate these items with "the good old days, " but one thing is missing from the equation, and that's root beer. Not just any root beer, but the classic formula known as A&W Root Beer. Enjoy this pack and share it with the whole family to relive the glory days.
лв 9.50

A&W Root Beer (12oz / 24pk)
Drive-in movie theaters, calling soda "pop, " leather jackets and vinyl records playing your favorite music hits. Many people associate these items with "the good old days, " but one thing is missing from the equation, and that's root beer. Not just any root beer, but the classic formula known as A&W Root Beer. Enjoy this pack and share it with the whole family to relive the glory days.
Τιμή лв 9.50
Sunkist Orange Soda (12oz / 24pk)
Want some fun in the sun? Get it now with Sunkist Orange Soda
лв 8.99
Coca-Cola de Mexico (12oz / 24pk)
Make your day a whole lot better with Coca-Cola de Mexico.
лв 25.00
Gatorade Variety Pack (20oz / 24 pk)
Lemon-Lime (8 count), Fruit Punch (8 count), Orange (8 count). Quench your thirst with the refreshing taste of Gatorade Sports Drinks Variety Pack. These 20 oz. sports drinks come in a pack of 24. They're loaded with various types of fruit flavors and come in many different colors.
лв 16.98

Gatorade Variety Pack (20oz / 24 pk)
Lemon-Lime (8 count), Fruit Punch (8 count), Orange (8 count). Quench your thirst with the refreshing taste of Gatorade Sports Drinks Variety Pack. These 20 oz. sports drinks come in a pack of 24. They're loaded with various types of fruit flavors and come in many different colors.
Τιμή лв 16.98
Gatorade Frost Variety Pack (20oz / 24pk)
Glacier Freeze (8 count), Riptide Rush (8 count), Cascade Crash (8 count). After a competitive basketball, soccer or tennis match, you'll need to rehydrate. The Gatorade® Sports Drink is the perfect thirst quencher. Great for the student, amateur and professional athlete, it exceeds the benefit of water by replacing electrolytes and giving you added energy. This product is also ideal when you have participated in intense aerobic activities like bike riding, running or boxing.
лв 16.99

Gatorade Frost Variety Pack (20oz / 24pk)
Glacier Freeze (8 count), Riptide Rush (8 count), Cascade Crash (8 count). After a competitive basketball, soccer or tennis match, you'll need to rehydrate. The Gatorade® Sports Drink is the perfect thirst quencher. Great for the student, amateur and professional athlete, it exceeds the benefit of water by replacing electrolytes and giving you added energy. This product is also ideal when you have participated in intense aerobic activities like bike riding, running or boxing.
Τιμή лв 16.99
Sparkling Ice Fruit Blasters Variety Pack (17oz / 24pk)
Black Raspberry (8 count), Orange Mango (8 count), Kiwi Strawberry (4 count), Black Cherry (4 count). Add some fizz and great flavor to your day with the Sparkling Ice Fruit Blasters Variety Pack. This fruit-flavored water has a huge burst of flavor that people love, without all the sugar of other beverages. Even the pickiest little ones will love the fruit flavors, even though Sparkling Ice flavored water is healthier than juice and sodas!
лв 14.50

Sparkling Ice Fruit Blasters Variety Pack (17oz / 24pk)
Black Raspberry (8 count), Orange Mango (8 count), Kiwi Strawberry (4 count), Black Cherry (4 count). Add some fizz and great flavor to your day with the Sparkling Ice Fruit Blasters Variety Pack. This fruit-flavored water has a huge burst of flavor that people love, without all the sugar of other beverages. Even the pickiest little ones will love the fruit flavors, even though Sparkling Ice flavored water is healthier than juice and sodas!
Τιμή лв 14.50
Gatorade Variety Pack Lemon lime, Fruit Punch, Orange(12oz / 28pk)
Stay energized with the Gatorade Sports Drinks Core Variety Pack. Infused with bold, intense flavors, Gatorade Thirst Quencher helps keep you hydrated.
лв 15.99
Sparkling Ice Citrus Celebration Variety Pack (17oz / 24pk)
Get fizzy with it! When you choose the Sparkling Ice Citrus Celebration Variety Pack, you get to experience three fantastic flavors of refreshing Sparkling Ice sparkling water. Even the pickiest of palates will be sure to find a flavor that pleases the taste buds.
лв 17.99

Sparkling Ice Citrus Celebration Variety Pack (17oz / 24pk)
Get fizzy with it! When you choose the Sparkling Ice Citrus Celebration Variety Pack, you get to experience three fantastic flavors of refreshing Sparkling Ice sparkling water. Even the pickiest of palates will be sure to find a flavor that pleases the taste buds.
Τιμή лв 17.99
Gatorade Liberty Variety Pack (12oz / 28pk)
Frost Glacier Cherry (8 count), Fruit Punch (10 count), Cool Blue (10 count). Gatorade Liberty Variety Pack takes the iconic Gatorade thirst quencher and packages it in a limited-edition variety. The famous Fruit Punch drink is included alongside Cool Blue and Frost Glacier Cherry for an all-star red, white and blue trio. Gatorade has been the trusted authority in athletic performance beverages for over 50 years.
лв 15.99

Gatorade Liberty Variety Pack (12oz / 28pk)
Frost Glacier Cherry (8 count), Fruit Punch (10 count), Cool Blue (10 count). Gatorade Liberty Variety Pack takes the iconic Gatorade thirst quencher and packages it in a limited-edition variety. The famous Fruit Punch drink is included alongside Cool Blue and Frost Glacier Cherry for an all-star red, white and blue trio. Gatorade has been the trusted authority in athletic performance beverages for over 50 years.
Τιμή лв 15.99
Powerade Sports Drink Variety Pack (20oz / 24pk)
Grape, Fruit Punch, Mountain Berry Blast. Whether you're fueling up for the biggest game of the year or just rehydrating on a hot summer day, Powerade® helps quench your thirst and replace your electrolytes. This Powerade Sports Drink Variety Pack (20 fl. oz. bottles, 24 pk.) provides the hydration you want—and the variety of crispy flavors you know and love.
лв 15.99

Powerade Sports Drink Variety Pack (20oz / 24pk)
Grape, Fruit Punch, Mountain Berry Blast. Whether you're fueling up for the biggest game of the year or just rehydrating on a hot summer day, Powerade® helps quench your thirst and replace your electrolytes. This Powerade Sports Drink Variety Pack (20 fl. oz. bottles, 24 pk.) provides the hydration you want—and the variety of crispy flavors you know and love.
Τιμή лв 15.99
Glaceau SmartWater (1L / 15pk)
Glaceau Smartwater is the crisp and refreshing bottled water that keeps you hydrated while infusing your body with healthy electrolytes. This special bottled water is especially important for those who lead an active lifestyle and prefer the natural taste of water over that of flavored sports beverages.
лв 18.00

Glaceau SmartWater (1L / 15pk)
Glaceau Smartwater is the crisp and refreshing bottled water that keeps you hydrated while infusing your body with healthy electrolytes. This special bottled water is especially important for those who lead an active lifestyle and prefer the natural taste of water over that of flavored sports beverages.
Τιμή лв 18.00
Bai Sunset Variety Pack (18oz / 15pk)
Five fruit flavors: Kula Watermelon, Brasilia Blueberry, Costa Rica Clementine, Ipanema Pomegranate, Malawi Mango. Taste the world with the Bai Antioxidant Infusion Variety Pack (18 oz., 15 pk.) and get a healthy dose of antioxidants that will help protect your body so you can feel better and live happier. You'll also feel more energized with the natural caffeine that's part of these delicious Bai energy drinks.
лв 22.98

Bai Sunset Variety Pack (18oz / 15pk)
Five fruit flavors: Kula Watermelon, Brasilia Blueberry, Costa Rica Clementine, Ipanema Pomegranate, Malawi Mango. Taste the world with the Bai Antioxidant Infusion Variety Pack (18 oz., 15 pk.) and get a healthy dose of antioxidants that will help protect your body so you can feel better and live happier. You'll also feel more energized with the natural caffeine that's part of these delicious Bai energy drinks.
Τιμή лв 22.98
Bai Antioxidant Cocofusions Variety Pack (18oz / 15pk)
Bai Maui Coconut Raspberry, Bai Molokai Coconut, Bai Andes Coconut Lime, Bai Puna Coconut Pineapple. Bai Antioxidant Cocofusions Variety Pack will refresh and rehydrate you any time of day. Formulated with healthy habits in mind, these drinks make it easy to stay low on sugars and carbs, while incorporating cell-supporting antioxidants and natural caffeine. If you're a coconut fanatic, you'll love these variations. Pair coconut with different tropical flavors to give you a refreshing drink with only five calories per servin
лв 22.99

Bai Antioxidant Cocofusions Variety Pack (18oz / 15pk)
Bai Maui Coconut Raspberry, Bai Molokai Coconut, Bai Andes Coconut Lime, Bai Puna Coconut Pineapple. Bai Antioxidant Cocofusions Variety Pack will refresh and rehydrate you any time of day. Formulated with healthy habits in mind, these drinks make it easy to stay low on sugars and carbs, while incorporating cell-supporting antioxidants and natural caffeine. If you're a coconut fanatic, you'll love these variations. Pair coconut with different tropical flavors to give you a refreshing drink with only five calories per servin
Τιμή лв 22.99
Gatorade Zero Variety Pack (12oz / 28pk)
(10) Glacier Cherry (10 count), (10) Glacier Freeze (10 count), (8) Berry (8 count). Developed for athletes that prefer a low-sugar, low-calorie alternative. Gatorade Zero has no sugar with the same electrolytes as Gatorade Thirst Quencher. With three refreshing flavors to keep you in the game, you can tailor your training and nutrition to your taste. Variety pack includes Berry, Glacier Freeze and Glacier Cherry flavors.
лв 15.99

Gatorade Zero Variety Pack (12oz / 28pk)
(10) Glacier Cherry (10 count), (10) Glacier Freeze (10 count), (8) Berry (8 count). Developed for athletes that prefer a low-sugar, low-calorie alternative. Gatorade Zero has no sugar with the same electrolytes as Gatorade Thirst Quencher. With three refreshing flavors to keep you in the game, you can tailor your training and nutrition to your taste. Variety pack includes Berry, Glacier Freeze and Glacier Cherry flavors.
Τιμή лв 15.99
Glaceau SmartWater (23.7oz / 15pk)
Make your next water choice a smart one with glaceau smartwater Water. This multi-pack of smartwater not only hydrates like regular water but contains electrolytes to make your body feel great and your mind feel sharp.
лв 16.99
Glaceau Vitaminwater Zero Variety Pack (20oz / 20pk)
XXX Acai-Blueberry Pomegranate, Squeezed Lemonade, Rise Orange. Discover how nutritious and refreshing zero calories can be with Glaceau Vitaminwater Zero Variety Pack. This zero-calorie drink is packed with electrolytes, essential vitamins, and minerals, with bold fruit flavors and a terrific taste. This variety pack is a fantastic way to experience Glaceau Vitaminwater Zero, showcasing three of its most popular flavors.
лв 18.00

Glaceau Vitaminwater Zero Variety Pack (20oz / 20pk)
XXX Acai-Blueberry Pomegranate, Squeezed Lemonade, Rise Orange. Discover how nutritious and refreshing zero calories can be with Glaceau Vitaminwater Zero Variety Pack. This zero-calorie drink is packed with electrolytes, essential vitamins, and minerals, with bold fruit flavors and a terrific taste. This variety pack is a fantastic way to experience Glaceau Vitaminwater Zero, showcasing three of its most popular flavors.
Τιμή лв 18.00
Member's Mark 100% Apple Juice (96 oz., 2 pk.)
100% Apple Juice (96 oz., 2 pk.) is made from premium apples that have been hand-selected and sorted from across the globe to produce a smooth, refreshing 100% juice drink that includes as much vitamin C in a single serving as a cup of fruit. Plus, the convenient multipack makes it easy to keep your fridge stocked with healthy drink choices.
лв 6.59

Member's Mark 100% Apple Juice (96 oz., 2 pk.)
100% Apple Juice (96 oz., 2 pk.) is made from premium apples that have been hand-selected and sorted from across the globe to produce a smooth, refreshing 100% juice drink that includes as much vitamin C in a single serving as a cup of fruit. Plus, the convenient multipack makes it easy to keep your fridge stocked with healthy drink choices.
Τιμή лв 6.59
Simply Pulp-Free Orange Juice (52 fl. oz., 2 pk.)
Simply® Pulp-Free Orange Juice is the perfect refreshment to start your morning. Simply believes that no one knows how to make juice better than Mother Nature. When you drink Simply you know you are getting 100% pure, squeezed juice and no preservatives. One serving contains a full day's supply of Vitamin C!
лв 7.99

Simply Pulp-Free Orange Juice (52 fl. oz., 2 pk.)
Simply® Pulp-Free Orange Juice is the perfect refreshment to start your morning. Simply believes that no one knows how to make juice better than Mother Nature. When you drink Simply you know you are getting 100% pure, squeezed juice and no preservatives. One serving contains a full day's supply of Vitamin C!
Τιμή лв 7.99
Tropicana Pure Premium No Pulp (1 gal jug)
Get a full gallon of the good stuff with Tropicana® Pure Premium No Pulp (1 gal jug). Tropicana Orange offers 100% organic orange juice with no GMOs, and it's pulp-free.
лв 8.99
Ocean Spray 100% Cranberry Juice (96 oz., 2 pk.)
Enjoy a refreshing drink with a glass of Ocean Spray® 100% Cranberry Juice (96 fl. oz., 2 pack). Savor the bold, taste of cranberries. A family fridge staple, cranberry juice is loved by millions around the country.
лв 8.99
Simply Lemonade (52 fl. oz. 2 pk.)
Simply Lemonade® is for people who love lemonade, plain and simple. Simply Lemonade is made from real lemons, pure filtered water and all-natural cane sugar with no filler so your lemonade actually tastes sweet and tangy.
лв 5.99
Member's Mark 100% Orange Juice, Pulp Free (52 fl. oz. 2 pk.)
Premium Orange Juice is not from concentrate and has no preservatives or added sugars. The orange juice is non GMO and gluten free with an excellent source of vitamin C.
лв 6.99
Tropicana 100% Orange Juice (96oz / 2pk)
Make Tropicana 100% Orange Juice a part of your everyday lifestyle. Not only does it taste delicious, but it is chock-full of nutrition that your body will thank you for. In addition, Tropicana 100% Orange Juice can be used to make a variety of smoothies and dishes.
лв 11.99

Tropicana 100% Orange Juice (96oz / 2pk)
Make Tropicana 100% Orange Juice a part of your everyday lifestyle. Not only does it taste delicious, but it is chock-full of nutrition that your body will thank you for. In addition, Tropicana 100% Orange Juice can be used to make a variety of smoothies and dishes.
Τιμή лв 11.99
Bolthouse Farms Organic Carrot Juice (52 oz.)
Bolthouse Farms® Organic Carrot Juice (52 oz.) is the ideal start to a healthy day. Introduce this other orange juice to your morning routine and let the positive health benefits roll on in. Carrots are packed to the brim with vitamin A, a potent antioxidant known to improve eye, skin and hair fortitude.
лв 6.99

Bolthouse Farms Organic Carrot Juice (52 oz.)
Bolthouse Farms® Organic Carrot Juice (52 oz.) is the ideal start to a healthy day. Introduce this other orange juice to your morning routine and let the positive health benefits roll on in. Carrots are packed to the brim with vitamin A, a potent antioxidant known to improve eye, skin and hair fortitude.
Τιμή лв 6.99
24 bottles of Ensure Original Nutrition Vanilla Meal Replacement Shakes with 9g of Protein
From the #1 doctor-recommended brand, Ensure Original Nutrition Shakes provide complete and balanced nutrition to help you stay healthy, active and energetic. Each shake has 9 grams of protein and 27 essential vitamins and minerals. Nutrition scientifically designed for strength and energy, Contains 220 calories and 9 grams of protein, Great tasting way to get protein and antioxidants (vitamins C, E and selenium), Suitable for lactose intolerance and gluten-free (Not for people with galactosemia)
лв 29.99

24 bottles of Ensure Original Nutrition Vanilla Meal Replacement Shakes with 9g of Protein
From the #1 doctor-recommended brand, Ensure Original Nutrition Shakes provide complete and balanced nutrition to help you stay healthy, active and energetic. Each shake has 9 grams of protein and 27 essential vitamins and minerals. Nutrition scientifically designed for strength and energy, Contains 220 calories and 9 grams of protein, Great tasting way to get protein and antioxidants (vitamins C, E and selenium), Suitable for lactose intolerance and gluten-free (Not for people with galactosemia)
Τιμή лв 29.99
24 bottles of Ensure Original Nutrition Chocolate Meal Replacement Shakes with 9g of Protein
From the #1 doctor-recommended brand, Ensure Original Nutrition Shakes provide complete and balanced nutrition to help you stay healthy, active and energetic. Each shake has 9 grams of protein and 27 essential vitamins and minerals.
лв 29.99

24 bottles of Ensure Original Nutrition Chocolate Meal Replacement Shakes with 9g of Protein
From the #1 doctor-recommended brand, Ensure Original Nutrition Shakes provide complete and balanced nutrition to help you stay healthy, active and energetic. Each shake has 9 grams of protein and 27 essential vitamins and minerals.
Τιμή лв 29.99
24 bottles of Ensure Original Nutrition Strawberry Meal Replacement Shakes with 9g of Protein
From the #1 doctor-recommended brand, Ensure Original Nutrition Shakes provide complete and balanced nutrition to help you stay healthy, active and energetic. Each shake has 9 grams of protein and 27 essential vitamins and minerals.
лв 29.99

24 bottles of Ensure Original Nutrition Strawberry Meal Replacement Shakes with 9g of Protein
From the #1 doctor-recommended brand, Ensure Original Nutrition Shakes provide complete and balanced nutrition to help you stay healthy, active and energetic. Each shake has 9 grams of protein and 27 essential vitamins and minerals.
Τιμή лв 29.99
24 bottles of Ensure Plus Nutrition Milk Chocolate Meal Replacement Shakes with 13g of Protein (8 oz. bottle, 24 pk.)
From the #1 doctor-recommended brand, Ensure Plus Nutrition Shakes provide complete balanced nutrition to help you gain and maintain a healthy weight. Each shake has 13 grams of protein and 27 essential vitamins and minerals.
лв 36.99

24 bottles of Ensure Plus Nutrition Milk Chocolate Meal Replacement Shakes with 13g of Protein (8 oz. bottle, 24 pk.)
From the #1 doctor-recommended brand, Ensure Plus Nutrition Shakes provide complete balanced nutrition to help you gain and maintain a healthy weight. Each shake has 13 grams of protein and 27 essential vitamins and minerals.
Τιμή лв 36.99
24 bottles of Ensure Plus Nutrition Vanilla Meal Replacement Shakes with 13g of Protein (8 oz. bottles, 24 pk.)
From the #1 doctor-recommended brand, Ensure Plus Nutrition Shakes provide complete balanced nutrition to help you gain and maintain a healthy weight. Each shake has 13 grams of protein and 27 essential vitamins and minerals.
лв 36.99

24 bottles of Ensure Plus Nutrition Vanilla Meal Replacement Shakes with 13g of Protein (8 oz. bottles, 24 pk.)
From the #1 doctor-recommended brand, Ensure Plus Nutrition Shakes provide complete balanced nutrition to help you gain and maintain a healthy weight. Each shake has 13 grams of protein and 27 essential vitamins and minerals.
Τιμή лв 36.99
24 bottles of Ensure Original Nutrition Shake, Butter Pecan (8 oz., 24 ct.)
From the #1 doctor recommended brand, Ensure Original Nutrition Shakes provide complete and balanced nutrition to help you stay healthy, active and energetic. Each shake has 9 grams of protein and 27 essential vitamins and minerals.
лв 39.99

24 bottles of Ensure Original Nutrition Shake, Butter Pecan (8 oz., 24 ct.)
From the #1 doctor recommended brand, Ensure Original Nutrition Shakes provide complete and balanced nutrition to help you stay healthy, active and energetic. Each shake has 9 grams of protein and 27 essential vitamins and minerals.
Τιμή лв 39.99
Country Time Lemonade Mix (82.5oz)
Country Time Lemonade is the perfect balance of sweet and tart. One canister of Country Time Lemonade makes 34 quarts, Made with all natural flavors and sweeteners, A great source of vitamin C in each serving, Great for parties and every-day use
лв 9.99
Carnation Breakfast Essentials Nutritional Drink, Select Flavor (30 ct.)
Carnation Breakfast Essentials contain twice the protein of an egg to help build muscle, twice the calcium of yogurt to help build strong bones, 21 vitamins and minerals and B vitamins to help convert food to energy. Just mix with milk or your morning smoothie for a quick and easy way to kick start your day with a balanced breakfast.
лв 12.99

Carnation Breakfast Essentials Nutritional Drink, Select Flavor (30 ct.)
Carnation Breakfast Essentials contain twice the protein of an egg to help build muscle, twice the calcium of yogurt to help build strong bones, 21 vitamins and minerals and B vitamins to help convert food to energy. Just mix with milk or your morning smoothie for a quick and easy way to kick start your day with a balanced breakfast.
Τιμή лв 12.99
Nestle Nesquik Chocolate-Flavored Powder (2.61 lb.)
Nestle® Nesquik® Chocolate-Flavored Powder (2.61 lb.) makes milk undeniably delicious while adding important vitamins and minerals to keep your body in great shape. This chocolate powder is Kosher and 99.99% caffeine-free, so it's safe for everyone in your household. So, make up a batch and bottoms up, because your entire family is likely to ask for more!
лв 8.98

Nestle Nesquik Chocolate-Flavored Powder (2.61 lb.)
Nestle® Nesquik® Chocolate-Flavored Powder (2.61 lb.) makes milk undeniably delicious while adding important vitamins and minerals to keep your body in great shape. This chocolate powder is Kosher and 99.99% caffeine-free, so it's safe for everyone in your household. So, make up a batch and bottoms up, because your entire family is likely to ask for more!
Τιμή лв 8.98
Tang Orange Drink Mix (72oz)
Tang Orange drink mix is the refreshing citrus drink that is a favorite among kids and teens. This orange-flavored beverage has a strong, fruity taste. It's very simple to mix up a quart or two to serve to your kid's baseball team or at kids' sleepover. It's also a great choice for those hot summer days spent mowing the grass or hanging around poolside. Adults also enjoy the crisp, classic orange flavor because it brings back childhood memories with every sip.
лв 9.99

Tang Orange Drink Mix (72oz)
Tang Orange drink mix is the refreshing citrus drink that is a favorite among kids and teens. This orange-flavored beverage has a strong, fruity taste. It's very simple to mix up a quart or two to serve to your kid's baseball team or at kids' sleepover. It's also a great choice for those hot summer days spent mowing the grass or hanging around poolside. Adults also enjoy the crisp, classic orange flavor because it brings back childhood memories with every sip.
Τιμή лв 9.99
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